Youth Entrepreneurship Program

Youth Entrepreneurs 2018


Since 2017, FIUTS has hosted groups of high school students and adult mentors from Latvia and Lithuania as part of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP). All participants have been part of a year-long entrepreneurship program in their home countries and are members of the teams that won the recent entrepreneurship competition that was the culmination of their program.

During their time in Seattle, students and adults participate in workshops, site visits, and volunteer service activities focused on entrepreneurship. Participants gain skills and experiences that they can use in their own entrepreneurial initiatives once they return home. They stay with host families for a portion of their time in Seattle.

Get Involved

After a hiatus due to COVID-19, we’re excited to welcome another group from Latvia in August 2023! Interested in getting involved? We’re looking for community volunteers who can host students.

  • Already a host? Fill out our Host Availability Survey here!

For any questions regarding community volunteering and hosting please contact Olena Vlasova, Manager of Education Programs, at

The FIUTS Youth Entrepreneurship Program is currently hosted in partnership with Start Strong.