Faces of FIUTS: Nghi Quan

Faces of FIUTS is a social media campaign that collects personal stories from individuals who are part of our work. During July and August, we will be introducing the 2020-2021 FIUTS Student Board. This week, meet Nghi Quan, Global Gala Co-Chair!


Where are you from?
I was born in southern Vietnam and moved to the US in elementary school. My favorite part about living in Vietnam was eating street food that is not only cheap but delicious. Not to mention it is a great way to support small businesses. These foods are usually under $1.00, so if you are interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to me. We can talk about food all day! 

What's your FIUTS story?
I signed up to be a facilitator during my freshman year of college and it was one of the best decisions I have made. I was able to meet wonderful people through WinterFest ice skating, Seattle scavenger hunt, virtual game night, and more. Due to this, I applied to be a student board member to not only develop leadership skills but to make long-lasting friendships especially during a time where connectedness is crucial. 

How will you change the world?
I believe change starts from within. I hope to further educate myself about social issues that occur locally and globally. One of the topics I am passionate about is the mesh between education and public health. Early childhood development and education is an unaddressed public health issue not only in the United States but worldwide. I hope to learn about ways to close the academic gap and methods to support early learners so I can be a source for translatable knowledge for local and international groups.

Faces of FIUTS is published regularly on the FIUTS blog, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. Read past posts collected here! Interested in being featured as a Face of FIUTS? Contact Annie Lewis, Operations and Communications Coordinator, at annie@fiuts.org or fill out the form.

Guest posts on the FIUTS blog represent the experiences and views of individual writers. They do not necessarily reflect the views of FIUTS or any organizations or institutions affiliated with our programs.