GiveBIG to FIUTS on May 3rd!

Check out what our students are saying about the our leadership development programs and how your donation can help us help them!

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Last year, more than 3,000 University of Washington students and scholars from at least 50 countries took part in FIUTS programs. From meeting new friends on local excursions to volunteering in elementary schools to practicing leadership in a safe and challenging environment, FIUTS engages both American and international students in powerful experiences that promote dialogue, understanding, and peace between people.

The Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG campaign is a one-day online giving event that FIUTS will be participating in again this year. A portion of every gift made on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 to this campaign is eligible to be "stretched" through partial matching funds by the Seattle Foundation and their partner sponsors. Schedule your GiveBIG donation today!

Your generous donation help support our programs and our students. Hear what some of our students have to say about their time at FIUTS!

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"FIUTS has helped me grow and develop in many ways since I joined in the September of 2014. I have not only been given the amazing opportunity of meeting people from literally all around the world, but I have also learned how to be a better friend, a better team player, and a better leader through my work as a facilitator and in the Student Board. Why does it matter? All the learning and experiences I have been provided at FIUTS has helped me land an internship that will hopefully lead to a career in my field. If there's a part of UW I want to thank for my success, be sure that it is FIUTS." - Caro Mata, Ecuador.

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"FIUTS has given me a stage to learn, reflect, and apply leadership principles as well as to advocate for my beliefs with international perspective and global understanding. It's inspiring to be able to work with such a dynamic group. My senior year would not be as colorful without FIUTS." - Allan Cai, China.

"Through FIUTS, I have made friends who will always hold a special place in my heart. FIUTS made my four-year stay in Seattle much more enjoyable than I would have ever imagined." - Bader AlFarhan, Kuwait.

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"Had it not been for FIUTS, I wouldn't have met some of my best friends - or should I say FAMILY - from all over the world. This organization helped me become a culturally sensitive person that loves and appreciates diversity - not to mention, it also helped my father when he went to the UW in the 1980s!" - Alissa Mustre, Mexico.

Thank you so much for your generosity and support of FIUTS programs and our students! Please help us tell your friends about us and schedule your donation today!

FIUTS Front Desk