FIUTS Intercultural Leadership Institute

The FIUTS Intercultural Leadership Institute (FILI) offers high school students residing in the greater Seattle area an 8-week certificate program focused on diplomacy, international relations, and cultural exchange without leaving Seattle.

8th graders interested in applying should contact Olena at to check eligibility.

The program features guest speakers, diplomacy simulations, and service opportunities with international visitors. Participants will be given leadership opportunities throughout the program to lead an activity in the beginning of each session, one small group assignment and one public speaking assignment. After completing the program, students will be invited to serve as ambassadors for future visiting programs, extending their engagement and impact.

FILI helps students grow into global citizens and leaders, providing hands-on opportunities to interact with diverse cultures, gain practical leadership skills, and make friends from around the world. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion and join a network of active young leaders. Participating in the FIUTS Intercultural Leadership program is an important step in the leadership journey.

Program Objectives

  1. Civic Engagement & Leadership – Encourage active participation in community service and develop practical leadership skills. (Leadership sessions, community asset mapping)

  2. Diplomacy & International Relations – Understand global issues and diplomatic practices through simulations, interviews, and guest speakers.

  3. Intercultural Competence – Learn to communicate effectively across cultures through workshops and dialogues.

  4. Hands-On Experience – Apply learning by organizing activities and acting as student ambassadors for international visitors. (Plan and coordinate an excursion for others, serve as facilitators, FIUTS student ambassadors).

(8 weeks on Tuesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 pm starting on October 22nd)

Program schedule

  1. Tuesday, October 22: Introductions and Culture Session: Participants will explore the impact of language and communication on relationships and self-perception, distinguish between personal, cultural, and universal norms; explore the concept of stereotypes and how to dismantle them; the cohort will complete a number of team-building activities to create bonds between individuals.

  2. Tuesday, October 29: Cross-Cultural communication workshop: High school students and international college students will work together in small groups on activities that will encourage sharing of cultural values and backgrounds and learn strategies for effective communication across cultures.

  3. Tuesday, November 5: Community and Community Building, group project assignment: What is a community? How do people become members of a community? What are the elements of a successful community? How do communities change over time? Participants will get an assignment to complete community mapping at the neighborhood of their choice before the next meeting in small groups.

  4. Tuesday, November 12: Community asset mapping debrief, Leadership workshop: leadership styles and values: In this introduction to leadership session, participants reflect on leaders they admire and leadership qualities that resonate with them. They identify their own core values and leadership style, then explore the important ways values, style, and personal beliefs are reflected in action.

  5. Tuesday, November 19: Leadership Workshop: Leading Through Uncertainty, diplomacy simulation: This session focuses on change management and negotiation skills. Participants learn basic negotiation terminology and practice negotiation scenarios through an engaging diplomacy simulation.

  6. Tuesday, November 26: Public speaking workshop, individual assignment: This session combines elements of public speaking with concepts around sharing values and framing stories. Participants practice key skills while developing personal stories tied to their authentic values and beliefs. The focus of the session is on clarity of theme and development of each participant’s personal voice. In the end, participants will get an assignment to prepare a speech for the final day.

  7. Tuesday, December 3: Communication workshop: Promoting Understanding in the Polarized World: the workshop will empower participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate and appreciate cultural differences in an increasingly polarized world. Participants will practice finding common ground, learn how to deal with ‘othering’ in regular interactions, learn how to have more ‘I never thought of it that way’ moments (from Monica Guzman "I Never Thought of it That Way" book); practice bridge-building talks and learn what easy steps to take to build bridges instead of walls?

  8. Tuesday, December 10: Public speaking presentation, reflections, facilitator orientation, ceremony of completion

For university students and others interested in volunteering with the FILI, please click here.