FIUTS: San Juan Island Global Getaway

Hear about the San Juan Island Global Getaway from FIUTS facilitator, Kamal!


By Kamal Ahmad, FIUTS Facilitator

At the end of May our international students took a trip to San Juan Island through FIUTS. Here's our facilitator, Kamal's, reflection on the Global Getaway!

One thing I always remember from any FIUTS trip is that at the end, I have a lot of new friends. But it is different from making friends that you see and hang out with all the time. Together, you explore a small piece of the world with people from different cultures and perspectives. It’s as if our destination takes on a little bit of the beauty of each participant's homeland just by their presence. When we started San Juan Island Global Getaway, everyone was a stranger to me. It only took us the time we spent in the car to get to know each other and enjoy being together. In fact, some of us started a series of camping and hiking and hang outs together after this trip and even today we see each other a lot.


"Together, you explore a small piece of the world with people from different cultures and perspectives."

The beauty of San Juan Island was only eclipsed by the fun we had together. We spent a lot of time waiting for Orcas, but we weren’t lucky enough to see any. However, no one paid a lot of attention to this since there was much more to see on this amazing island. We traveled to American Camp and British Camp, learning about the disputed history of the island. In Roche Harbor we explored a sculpture garden and watched bald eagles. And at South Beach, we enjoyed sunset and cooked dinner over a campfire. We could even spot Mt Rainier in the distance from our spot on the beach. Throughout the island, wildlife like deer, seals, and birds made the environment come alive. So many aspects of this trip live in my memory, that it is hard to recount them all. But I will never forget the people that I was with and how they made it all so worthwhile.


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