My FIUTS Homestay Experience


Each fall, FIUTS volunteer hosts welcome more than a hundred new University of Washington students into their homes for the first 7-10 days they spend in the Puget Sound. Our hosts help students settle into their new home city, show them the local flavor, and offer them a family away from their country! Here is Zameer Mohammad, a UW student, recounting the wonderful days he spent with his hosts:


From the very first day I met Thomas and Susan Colligan at Sea-Tac International Airport, they have been nothing but extremely nice to me. Right after getting into the car, they talked about themselves and asked about me and my family. They had a lot of questions about my culture and traditions and I had a lot about theirs. I’m not used to people who were complete strangers until that moment have engaging conversations as if they knew each other from a very long time. Tom took me out to Magnuson Park. We took out his boat and fished in Lake Washington—this was on the very first day of my arrival in the city! While most of my friends were busy with setting up their new accommodations, I was already exploring Seattle! Tom and Susan took me out to grocery stores, restaurants and yacht clubs. Tom showed me around downtown and the best places to see there. On the weekend, they took me to Sequim. They even asked me to bring along a friend. We visited a shooting range and got to try skeet shooting. We even took a picture with an Olympic Gold Medallist Shooter, Matt Dryke. It was, as Tom and Susan promised, a classic American experience.

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The Colligans are humble, down to earth, caring and loving. They were very considerate of my dietary restrictions due to my religious belief. Both of them were very kind and helpful to me with the daily life here. They were more than happy to answer my unending questions regarding the number plating of the vehicles, American football and politics, the national parks and everything else. They gave me their ORCA card so that I can travel around the city. They also gave me the key to their house, so that I can let myself in when they were at work. This gesture surprised me, because not many people would trust a person they’ve just met enough to give the key to their house. These are the qualities which make them such a lovely family.

I believe the best way to know about a country is through its local people. And the Colligans gave me a very good first impression of the US and its People. What I will cherish most about the ten days I stayed with them will be the long evening talks after dinner about our cultures, how different and yet how similar they are, while enjoying a bowl of Susan’s favourite ice cream. I’m glad that I chose the homestay program. Even after moving to my new place, they still invite me for dinners and trips. They treat me like one of their own kids. It’s like I have a family here, 8000 miles away from home. I’m grateful to FIUTS for this wonderful opportunity, and would recommend every incoming international student to the UW to try the homestay program.

Apply to be a host today and sign up to host UW international students for Thanksgiving Dinner (no homestay required)!

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