Welcome, Summer Program Assistants

Bennett and Qanani are the two newest members of the FIUTS summer programs team!

Though the University of Washington campus is quiet today now that the school year is officially over, things are as busy as ever in the FIUTS office! In addition to preparing for International Student Orientation in the fall, we're also working hard to get ready for our three summer visiting programs: the Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders (SUSI) in Journalism and New Media, the Seattle Language and Culture Institute, and the Youth Ambassador Program with the Caribbean.

We're excited to welcome two temporary staff members who will be with us this summer as part of our team for these programs. Meet our two new program assistants, Bennett and Qanani!


Name: Bennett Anderson
Hometown: Winfield, West Virginia
Year: Graduate Student
Major: Public Administration


About Me: I have been enthusiastic about international community building since I was a high school student studying Japanese. I went to Salem International University in Salem, West Virginia for my undergraduate degree and then served in Ukraine as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I have also visited Ireland twice and went to Kathmandu, Nepal for a week during my Peace Corps service. I love meeting people from different cultures and learning about different languages. I am also very dedicated to public service and will be starting a Nonprofit Management Certificate Program this fall. When not trying to spread international understanding and cooperation I love to make craft projects, grow plants, play tabletop games, and go look for adventure.

Bennett will be working with the SUSI and YAP Caribbean programs.



Qanani Kalil was born and raised in Ethiopia. She is a second-year graduate student at the University of Washington, studying higher education policy and leadership. She is currently a Graduate Student Assistant for Pipeline Project, a K-12 educational outreach program at UW. Qanani is really passionate about education and youth empowerment. She has worked with students as a tutor and a mentor for over three years and has always had a passion to motivate and empower young people to strive and succeed.

Qanani will be working with the SUSI program.

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