CulturalFest Countdown: Learn more about Mexico

Join over 2,000 students, local community members, and elementary school students in travelling the world in a day at FIUTS CulturalFest International Expo on February 10th, 2017!

Spend the day experiencing the cultures of over 40 countries - the Expo features booths developed and staffed by student volunteers from all over the world! The event is free and open to the public.

In the weeks leading up to the Expo, we'll be featuring blog posts about different regions and countries represented at the Expo. Read on to learn three fun facts about Mexico!

Fact #1: Dia de lost Muertos


Dia de los Muertos—the Day of the Dead—is a holiday celebrated throughout Mexico. During this celebration families put up alters with food to honor and remember deceased loved ones.


Fact #2: Teotihuacan ruins

About an hour drive from Mexico City there the Teotihuacan ruins. These ruins are remnants of an ancient Aztec city, inhabited around 200 BC. Teotihuacan, which means "the place of the Gods", was the epicenter of culture and commerce until its collapse a thousand years after its founding.


Fact #3: Cenotes


There are over 6,000 cenotes in Mexico, the majority of which are found in the Yucatán Peninsula. Cenotes are natural swimming holes formed by the collapse of porous limestone bedrock. Most cave cenotes have fresh water that has been meticulously filtered by the earth, making them so clear and pure that you can see straight through to small fish frolicking in the plant life below. Open-air cenotes also have clear water, and often are home to vitamin- and mineral-rich algae that nourish and protect your skin. The Mayans revered cenotes because they were a water source in dry times; today, cenotes play an important recreational role in the Yucatan Peninsula!


Come to the 2017 CulturalFest International Expo to find out more fun facts about the cultures around our globe! Open and free to the public:

Friday, February 10, 2016

10:30 AM-3:00 PM

University of Washington

Husky Union Building (HUB) Ballrooms (2nd Floor)

FIUTS Front Desk