Let's Make the World a Better Place

In order to work towards building a better world, the FIUTS Student Board recently came up with a short list of things that we can all do right now as a way to contribute to our communities.

  • Volunteer at a food bank, animal shelter, or more

  • Donate to the UW food pantry

  • Donate blood

  • Give away stuff that you don’t need

  • Buy someone a meal/drink

  • Participate in community meetings

  • Carpool or use metro

  • Read and stay informed

  • Facilitate a FIUTS event

  • Involve yourself in any work aimed at alleviating poverty and/or health inequity

  • Be nice and warm to everyone around you

  • Look after your friends and others around you

  • Don’t judge others

  • Tell people why you are grateful for them

  • Remain open to all opinions

  • Keep an open mind and heart

  • Smile

What will YOU do TODAY?

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