Facilitator Corner: Hassan Almuzaini


FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Hassan and join us today!

Name: Hassan Almuzaini
Country: Saudi Arabia
Major: Electrical Engineering
Class: IELP (Intensive English Language Program)
FIUTS Facilitator Since: June 2015

"In the 10 months being with FIUTS and meeting people from all walks of life, I have learned about many cultures, encouraged and challenged myself, inspired others, and forged many friendships along the way."

- Hassan Almuzaini

Brief Introduction

I came to the US in September 2014 with the intention of pursuing a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering after finishing IELP. It was a big challenge to come to a new country with different people, cultures, background and weather. It was hard for me in the beginning to adjust to my new life and deal with the many obstacles I had to face. I heard about FUITS from an IELP advisor within the first month of the program. Since, I’m an active person who likes to keep himself busy, I started attending any and all events that I could go to. This gave me the opportunity to meet people of different ethnicities, learn their cultures and forge many new friendships. FUITS has changed my life in the US for the better.

What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?

Being a FIUTS facilitator is all about helping people, most of whom are international students, and making them feel comfortable and happy in their second home. During my involvement in FIUTS, I came across an amazing opportunity to participate in a program called SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institutes) that was held for one month. During that month, I met many people from different South Asian countries. In the 10 months being with FIUTS and meeting people from all walks of life, I have learned about many cultures, encouraged and challenged myself, inspired others, and forged many friendships along the way. Overall, FIUTS has changed the way I see the world.


Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator

In only one month, I have facilitated only one FIUTS event. However, I was involving in other many events through the SUSI program. Most of the events that I was involved with were really amazing, valuable, and made great memories, such as Golden Garden Beach, Mt Rainer Hike, camping at Pack Forest, and 4th of July Festival and Fireworks at Gasworks Park. All of these events were so much fun and new experiences for me.

Tips/comments for peer facilitators

Volunteering at FIUTS events gives you a chance to make lifelong friendships. Most of the students who participate are from different cultures, which give us a chance to share our cultures among one another and understand each other. Also, try to interact with everyone by listening and talking with them. Feel free to share your experiences and stories. Finally, of course, don’t forget to have fun and don’t miss this amazing opportunity.

Become a FIUTS Facilitator today! Click here for more information.

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