Facilitator Corner: Nhung Le
FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Nhung!
Name: Nhung Le
Country: Vietnam
Major: Biology
Class: Junior
FIUTS Facilitator Since: Winter 2015
My name is Nhung and I’ve been living in Seattle for 4 years. I love the city for its RAIN! which most Seattleites find depressing! Coming from a hot and humid place like Vietnam, I personally find this amazing city resonate extremely well with me. I love volunteering and helping those in need. I mostly volunteer at Buddhist temples at a very young age; I love the rich and deep philosophy. Besides volunteering, I love to hike and camp in the serene nature. I also enjoy meddling in the kitchen, especially with Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese cuisines.
As you can see, I come from a foreign county that uses English as a second language, so I can’t prevent the English barriers when I communicate with the native speakers. I had a hard time adapting to the new environment in Seattle. At first, I found it was so depressing to live far away from my parents, and having to use an entirely new language to communicate with other people. Sometimes people didn't seem to catch what I was trying to say. As time flies, I came to apply the important life lesson that sharing is receiving. I met a diverse group of friends and shared my stories. We came to strengthen our friendships and became closer as I listened to their journey as well. Never give up, keep continuing standing on your feet! I enhance my life skills, meet more wonderful friends from other countries and have the honor to learn their cultures.
Nhung, center, with FIUTS friends
What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?
I cherish the opportunities FIUTS has given me. I enjoy learning new skills and experiencing new things and FIUTS has blessed me with the opportunities for both. Here, I have further developed my leadership as facilitator. I get to go to events I have never been through, all of which were eye-opening. I further learned to better organize, to time manage effectively, when in need to compromise for group events and work in a team cohesively to produce a great outcomes. I love being a facilitator, for I may apply my overall experience for a job and work in the near future. So I will make every effort and continue to strive for the best. This is the golden opportunity FIUTS blessed me with!
Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator
Nhung, right, at the CulturalFest ticket booth
I have joined FIUTS for one quarter. In this time, there are two events that I find most treasurable. The first is participating in an event learning about the history of wine making in Seattle! It was a privilege and a joy to facilitate such vibrant group. YAY! The second and perhaps my favorite event up to date is being among facilitators for CulturalFest. Witnessing the diverse arrays of ethnic performances was what made this experience so unique that it is unforgettable! From Irish Tap Dancing to contemporary breakdance and much much more, fantastic performances opened my worldview to a greater understanding. Thank You FIUTS!
Tips for peer facilitators
My advice is be yourself, and don't be panic! There's plenty of leadership experience that awaits. Everyone has gone through what you've been through. When I first joined FIUTS I was anxious and knew only one person. The situation can feel overwhelming at first, but as I'm sure with most new events when one must face the "fish out of water" experience every now and then. I continue to attend more events and get to know more people and expand my connections. This is just the starting point so hold tight because it will get more epic! Stay positive and smile and be sure to connect with friendly facilitators that resonate with you. Everything will be alright!
Learn more about the FIUTS Facilitator program here!
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