Facilitator Corner: Ferris Maghi


FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Ferris!

Ferris (left) on a FIUTS bike trip

Ferris (left) on a FIUTS bike trip

Name: Ferris Maghi
Country: China
Major: Mathematics
Class: Junior
FIUTS Facilitator Since: September, 2014

I came to the US in 2013 and had been studying at North Seattle College before I transferred to UW. People always suppose that I am good at math when I tell them my major. But actually I am not either good at or interested in math. Instead, I chose math as my major simply because it is useful to me. I usually spend my private time indoors on reading, gaming, cooking and eating.

What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?

Ferris (back row, far left) with other facilitators at IMA for roller skating

Ferris (back row, far left) with other facilitators at IMA for roller skating

I became a facilitator because I enjoy spending my time with the amazing FIUTS community, and meeting different people and learning about different thinking, which I believe will inspire my own mind. Speaking from the experiences I gained from the events I have facilitated so far, being a facilitator is not different than any other kinds of volunteer, except that there are much more chances to meet people with a higher cultural diversity. By facilitating I have improved my skills of communicating with people with different cultural backgrounds, which I consider as one of the best things to learn in the United States.

Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator

Every moment I spend with FIUTS is awarding and joyful. However, the most remarkable memory I have had as a facilitator is the service project at Marra Farm. Farming is one of the things I had decided not to do again in my life. But this decision of mine was beaten by the attraction of the free pizza provided for volunteers. (Wherever free foods are, there I am…) During the farming service project, I met some talented farmers and a group of remarkable Bosnian students and teachers, and learned how an American farm works which I would never have any other chance to learn.

Tips/comments for peer facilitators

Get involved, have fun, and come to Culture Conversation Group!

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