Meet the Winter Interns


Every quarter, FIUTS is lucky enough to have student interns who help us with all kinds of tasks in our office while having an opportunity to meet people, gain work experience, and learn about international education.

Meet our two amazing interns who are joining us this winter!

January 20, 2015. Photo 2.jpeg

Name: Misaki Yamashita
Hometown: Kyoto, Japan
Year: Junior
School/Major: Political Science

I have been interested in non-profit organization that's what Japan does not have a lot. Also, after I came to the US by myself, I realized how difficult making friends by using English in the different country. When I got to know about FIUTS, I thought this is the one that I wanted. I'm excited doing internship next 3 months! I will be handling front desk task, and some events that will be held by FIUTS.

I really like living in Seattle! It's really liberal, people are nice and it has nice weather. The best thing about Seattle for me is many hiking places are close. Even though Seattle is a big city, it's close to nature! I can experience many things.

In my free time I love dancing! I've been doing classical ballet for 13 years. I like all different kinds of dancing, such as swing dancing, salsa and modern dance, etc. Also, I founded Japanese modern dance club, so if you are interested in dancing or Japanese culture, please contact me! Or, if you are having events or something and you need dancers, we are more than happy to perform!

I'm really excited doing internship at FIUTS and meet new people!

Name: Juri Ishida
Country: Japan
Class: Sophomore
Major: International Relations

“Catch the moment!” This is my favorite phrase and I want to share with you as my introduction. Our time is always limited, so let’s enjoy now! I am excited at being part of FIUTS community!

I am an international student from Japan and new internship since this month! I have spent precious time in Seattle since April, 2014 by studying, doing volunteer and internship, traveling and hanging out with friends.

I love people and culture. Study at school provides with knowledge, but communicating with other people always takes me into new world and expands my cultural experience and is so fun. FIUTS is the best place for me to get more chance to share the idea and enjoy the events with them! Also, I can learn about global leadership through facilitator, which is great.  I would like to make new event so that everyone can make new friends and get to know each other such as bowling.

Besides my internship, I started to join some conversation groups at UW and the church in order to improve my speaking skills. On weekend, I usually go outside and travel such as Leavenworth, Portland, Canada, and Seattle with friends. I also like playing and listening music and dancing, so I go to the concert. If you have some recommendation, please invite me!

I am always at office, so please come to say Hi!!!! Thank you

Thanks to our awesome interns for supporting FIUTS with all your hard work!

FIUTS Front Desk