Spring 2015 Photo Contest: There's No Place Like Home


The quarterly FIUTS Photo Contest is an opportunity for members of the FIUTS community to share images from around the world. The theme for this quarter was "There's No Place Like Home" and we received photos from all over the world of places that remind members of our community of what home means to them. We also had two ties for second place and for third place - so this quarter, everyone's a winner!

Take a look at the beautiful images below and keep an eye out for information about the next photo contest, which will be in Fall quarter. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing your beautiful pictures!


First Place: Almora, India

Photographer: Rajesh Chaunsali

June 12, 2015. Photo 2.jpeg

"The photo was taken at Almora, a town in the lower Himalayas. It aptly captures the traditional houses in the Himalayan villages surrounded by mesmerizing scenic beauty."


Second Place: Issaquah, Washington

Photographer: Wenjie Li

"This photo was taken last Christmas at my friend's parent house in Issaquah. Well designed table, awesome food, loving parents... No other thing can compare with the "Christmas LOVE". LOVE is essential of home."


Second Place: Bari, Italy

Photographer: Fabio Anaclerio

June 12, 2015. Photo 4.jpeg


This theater, TEATRO MARGHERITA, was built literally within the sea by my fellow citizens, to avoid an old law according which: only one theater was allowed on Bari soil. Bari already had a theater and the rich owner claimed to this law to impede "common people" to enjoy the noble art of drama, in fact in his theater only rich people, politics and members of the clergy were allowed.

TEATRO MARGHERITA was burned several times, but my compatriots always reconstruct it stronger.

When some years later the other theater, TEATRO PETRUZZELLI, catched on fire, my fellow citizens allowed its owner to perform all the shows in TEATRO MARGHERITA, showing their magnaminity.

Today, free exhibition and fairs take place in TEATRO MARGHERITA .

For all this reason, and due to the fact that it was built within the sea, in a town which main business is fishing, it has always been considered the real house of all BARESI...


Third Place: Magdalena, Colombia

Photographer: Maria Artunduaga (Colombia)

June 12, 2015. Photo 5.jpeg

Title: "Returning for supper"

Ciénaga de Pijiño. Magdalena, Colombia

School in the morning, and a full afternoon along his father fishing in the Ciénaga; makes up the daily routine of this Colombian 16-year old boy. This time, they made room for the occasional tourists who wanted to explore the area in their middle sized boat. The sunset signaled the time to go back, the most beautiful colors set our path home. Marveled by the landscape, I asked him what he thought of his daily journey. "This is usual" - he said to me in a soft voice - “...there are no roads to get back home, the river is all we have.” And there I was, thinking that I had witnessed the most incredible sunset of my life, what I really saw was the tenacity and resilience of my people.


Third Place: Cabugay Gamay, Islas de Gigantes, Carles, Iloilo, Philippines

Photographer: Fritzie T. Celino-Brady

Cabugao Gamay is one of the islets in the Islas de Gigantes, an island chain which is part of the municipality of Carles, Iloilo, Philippines.

Iloilo is my home province and is located in the Western Visayas region of Philippines.

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