Welcome, Amy!


Amy Bergstrom joined FIUTS last week as our new Manager of Student Programs and we’re so glad to welcome her to our office! She will be working on international student orientation, student program development, events and activities, and many others! Here’s Amy, introducing herself to the FIUTS community:

My journey to FIUTS seems to be anything but a straight line, yet I can look back and see many markers on the trail pointing me in this direction. I started learning French during recess in third grade, and I can still remember one of the first dialogues we practiced and practiced and practiced. (“Bonjour, Jeanne. Comment vas-tu? Très bien, merci. Et toi?”) My love of the language led me to a French minor in college and my first international trip after college, a surreal experience that I remember most for European trains, delicious crêpes, and getting to experience other cultures in new ways. One of my favorite memories combines all three: My friend and I were pursuing one final crêpe in Paris and nearly missed our train. We ran and jumped in the first car, but it didn’t connect to the other cars, and since we didn’t have first-class tickets, we squeezed into the luggage compartment until the first stop. It was a bumpy—but fun!—ride.

Before FIUTS, I completed my Master of Education in Student Development Administration, a fancy way of saying that I am a student of students. I love to work with university students and see them grow and discover who they are. Most especially, I love helping students understand that no matter who they are, they can be leaders. I’m excited to welcome new international students, help them transition to the U.S. and the university, and build connections that will broaden all of our international awareness and understanding.

My love for student programs started when I was an undergraduate student at Colorado State University, where I worked with student organizations, wrote and produced for campus media, and participated in a leadership program. My academic program was central, but I believe my outside-of-classroom experiences were what made my college experience complete and helped me become the person that I am. In between my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I worked for many years in sports journalism. My favorite place to be is still in the stands at a Mariners game or, even better, playing on a softball field.

I will gladly talk about sports with you any time, and I also love reading, baking, crafting, and running in parks around Seattle.

FIUTS Front Desk