Facilitator Corner: Jianyang (Jane) Zhang


"FIUTS is a place where all kinds of culture and diversity are equally valued and appreciated."

FIUTS Facilitators are volunteer student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from this month's featured facilitator!

Jane (far left) with fellow students at orientation this Spring.

Jane (far left) with fellow students at orientation this Spring.

Name: Jianyang (Jane) Zhang
Country: China
Major: Computer Science
Class: 2017
FIUTS Facilitator Since: Spring 2014


My name is Jianyang, which means “make things easier” in Chinese. I also go by Jane. I am currently a freshman and my intended major is Computer Science. I joined FIUTS in Spring 2014 and it was no doubt the biggest highlight of my freshman year. My favorite FIUTS event is Wednesday Lunch and I usually volunteer as the greeter at front desk because I love to see the smile and excitement on people’s faces and I love to be the first one to welcome attendees and encourage them to have a good time!

What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?

I received so much help and support from FIUTS during my first year here therefore I feel I should give back and that is why I became a facilitator. I love helping people who are in the similar situation like me. During the past year, I have seen lots of international students having difficulties to get involved because of problems such as language barrier and culture difference. Therefore, I believe being a facilitator is a good way to help them get engaged.

It is not easy for most international students to adjust to a totally unfamiliar environment. Also, a lot of international students feel isolated because they are very different from local people who cannot look at things from their perspective. But FIUTS is a place where all kinds of culture and diversity are equally valued and appreciated. FIUTS facilitators all face similar struggles and have very similar perspectives. Therefore, facilitators play an important role in supporting and assisting international students make adjustment to the new environment and promoting multi-culture understanding between international students and local communities.

Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator

In May 2014, I volunteered at the FIUTS booths during U-district Street Fair to introduce FIUTS and look for local families host short-term homestay for international students. I really love the way we show the visitors about FIUTS.  We prepared Geographic guessing games and we gave away coloring sheets of “Globie” and cross word puzzles. A lot of us had a good time playing the guessing game with local families and while little kids were coloring Globie, we talked to their parents about FIUTS and answered their question and concern about homestay. It was very enriching to talk to local people about FIUTS. Not very many local people know the benefits of homestay and they do not know that there are a lot of international students waiting for their help. At the end of the event, we got a whole bunch of contact information of potential host families and all of us had a really good time!

Advice for peer facilitators:

Take initiative! Admittedly, it requires a lot of courage to get things started but you will never truly get involved until you sign up for events! Therefore it is important to take initiative!

Start with the easiest thing! The first step is always difficult to take. Therefore, start with things that you are confident in. For example, the first time I volunteered at FIUTS, I was Wednesday lunch food preparer. Even though my work was only cutting apples, the relaxing and welcoming atmosphere in FIUTS gained me strong confidence and empowered me to devote myself to it.

Last but most important, have fun!

FIUTS Front Desk