My Amazing Fridays


FIUTS summer intern Rika Murakami provides today's guest post discussing her role and responsibilities overseeing FIUTS Friday events.

Over the past six-weeks Rika Murakami (originally from Japan) has volunteered as an intern here at FIUTS, providing assistance to the staff on numerous projects and events. Today she has written a few words about her experience with her main responsibility, overseeing FIUTS Fridays.

I have mainly focused on FIUTS Friday since I stated internship this July.

I like FIUTS Friday a lot because I can meet with new people and get to know different culture at the same time. Each outside event is awesome since summer is the best season in Seattle. Personally I like Seafair 4th at Gas Works, and Bite of Seattle.

My role is to take them to the event location and make sure that everyone arrives home safely. I check which buses we can take and select the best route before weekly events begin. Also, I try to make a good atmosphere for everyone to get along each other easily, and take group pictures to post on the FIUTS Facebook page.

The challenging thing is leading participants effectively. I don’t have any opportunities to be a leader in Japan, so it was difficult for me to facilitate many participants at once. For example, sometimes I have to shout or stand on the chair to get everyone’s attention. But over time I got used to leading these larger groups.

The rewarding moment is when participants come to the FIUTS Friday again. It means they enjoyed FIUTS Friday and think want to join it again in the next event. I like to know new people, but I also like to see the same people who joined FIUTS Friday before.

I learned a lot of things from FIUTS Friday and it makes my summer memories this year unforgettable, I want to say thank you to everyone who joined FIUTS Friday and made it so much fun!

If you are interested in an internship with FIUTS, please take a moment to look at our employment page for more information.

FIUTS Front Desk