Facilitator Corner: Terry


FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Terry Jung and join us today!


Name: Terry Jung

Country: USA

Major: Computer Engineering

Class: 2018

FIUTS Facilitator Since: May 2015

"At first, I thought being a FIUTS facilitator was being a volunteer, a part of the community—looking at it now though I see it more of a leadership role."

Brief Introduction

I’m 19 years old, with three younger siblings and I’ve lived in Kirkland, WA for most of my life. I love learning about different cultures, meeting new people, and making jokes.

What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?

At first, I thought being a FIUTS facilitator was being a volunteer, a part of the community—looking at it now though I see it more of a leadership role. After being through so many different situations I’ve realized the whole purpose of being a facilitator was so that I could be the one to spark people’s interests, to push students to embrace awkward situations, to have fun with each other, and enjoy the little time we have together.

As a facilitator, I’ve learned you only get from it as much as you put in. If you don’t try, and if you don’t care, then you won’t have fun. I’ve learned that being embarrassed or awkward isn’t something that should stop someone from trying something new or preventing you from meeting new people. If you just put in a little effort and give up a bit of your time, you’ll find much more than a great experience. All the time that I’ve put into FIUTS have paid back itself with all the new memories, friends, and stories that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator

My favorite memories of FIUTS were helping with the high school students from China. The first time I met them, they didn’t talk with one other, and they didn’t answer to any of my questions. Over the course of the two weeks I saw the students shout for joy, compete against one another, joke with each other, take pictures everywhere we went, all with smiles on their faces. At the end of their stay, I couldn’t help but feel sad—but I was also grateful for all the great memories we shared and the new friends I made.

Tips/comments for peer facilitators

If you’re unsure about volunteering, I would just try it out. Be open to the people at FIUTS because the staff really wants everyone to have a good time and have the experiences make a lasting impact on your life. It doesn’t hurt to try—my only regret is not joining earlier.

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