Meet the Spring Interns


David, Kailyn, and Nanami are the fabulous FIUTS office interns for Spring quarter!

Every quarter, FIUTS is lucky enough to have student interns who help us with all kinds of tasks in our office while having an opportunity to meet people, gain work experience, and learn about international education.

Meet our three amazing interns who are joining us for Spring quarter!

Name: David Veth

Hometown: Originally from Cambodia, living in Seattle for the past 14 years

Year: Senior

Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology

I’ve been with FIUTS for a year; starting out as a facilitator and has since gone on to become a lead facilitator. During my time with FIUTS, I took part in the Fall Orientation committee, CulturalFest committee, and I’m currently a part of the Global Gala Marketing committee. I’ve meet many wonderful people and made many outrageous friends. There is no telling where or when I will meet a really awesome person when I’m working with FIUTS.

I have had many wonderful adventures as a FIUTS facilitator and I’ve learned a ton being a part of FIUTS committees. I anticipate my time as an intern with FIUTS will be quite as enriching, fun, and valuable. I wanted to work more closely with the awesome staffs at FIUTS and I’m excited to see what I can learn and accomplish by the end of this quarter.

Name: Kailyn Swarthout

Hometown: Olympia, WA

Year: Senior

Major: International Studies

Minors: Education, Learning, and Society (ELS), and French

I have been a facilitator since October 2012 and will continue to work with Student Programs as an intern. In addition to helping plan events and activities, David and I are working together to revamp the New Facilitator Orientations and I am working on developing a new Icebreaker handbook and accompanying workshop. I am also helping out with some Cultural Ambassador events at Downtown IELP.

As a Pacific Northwest native, I love having the opportunity to share the region with students from around the world and to view it through their eyes. It gives me an entirely new appreciation for the place I call home and I get to learn about the world all at the same time! Interning with FIUTS is particularly cool for me because I am pursuing a career in International Education and it is a great way for me to experience different aspects of the field all in one place!

Name: Nanami Kikuchi

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Year: sophomore

Major: International Studies

I am an international student currently studying at UW for a year. I used to live in the States (Michigan, CA, and South Carolina) for six years. I am an undergraduate intern for FIUTS this quarter, and will be working at the front desk and also for some events.

I first learned about FIUTS through the fall orientations. Since then I became interested in their events and activities, and decided to apply for an internship. It’s amazing to be involved in an organization that connects international students from around the world, promoting cross-cultural communication. I’m really excited to work with the staffs and students here at FIUTS, and hope to gain a lot by the end of this quarter!

Thanks to our awesome interns for supporting FIUTS with all your hard work!

FIUTS Front Desk