Meet Our Work Study Students!

If you’ve visited the FIUTS office, you’ve probably had the pleasure of meeting one or both of our work study students. Both Nila and Sharon help FIUTS staff with day-to-day operations and are integral to FIUTS’ success on and off-campus.

Meet Sharon: Sharon was born in California, but lived in Taiwan until she was 14. She is a first-year student at the University of Washington, hoping to pursue a Bachelor of Science. She speaks Mandarin and Taiwanese and wants to visit Europe one day. She is the Student Programs Assistant for FIUTS. You can find Sharon manning the front desk, helping set up for events, and leading our weekly conversation groups!


Q: What is your favorite part of working for FIUTS?

A: The supportive and inclusive environment!

Q: Favorite FIUTS memory?

A: When Alex brings tea to the office and shares it with everyone who is working!

Meet Nila: Nila was born and raised in Iran, but moved to Malaysia when she was in her 20s. She immigrated to the US in 2012 and is now a college student at the University of Washington. She is working towards a BS degree in Computer Science. Nila is an avid traveler, having visited 29 countries and 26 states. She is the Database and Community Programs Administrator for FIUTS. You can find her entering data in various spreadsheets, helping to recruit students to participate in FIUTS programs, and helping out in the office!


Q: What is your favorite part of working for FIUTS?

A: The culture! People are friendly and the nature of the job is fun!

Q: Favorite FIUTS memory?

A: The Argosy Boat cruise in September!

Nada Ramadan