SUSI on Education and the Future of Work Photo Recap!!

FIUTS had the privilege of hosting the Study of the US Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on Education and the Future of Work. During the program, students studied the ways in which technology, innovation, and globalization are prompting the development of new initiatives to educate and prepare youth with the professional skills needed to succeed in the future. They participated in academic classes, volunteer and service activities, leadership workshops, and cultural and educational excursions. Students from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Tunisia visited Seattle from November 1-10. Take a look at the photo recap to follow along on their journey!

Airport Arrivals! November 1st was a hectic day for FIUTS, with flights getting delayed left and right, but eventually all the SUSI Participants made it to Seattle!

Let’s get down to business! After exploring Seattle, the SUSIs were hard at work setting rules, goals, and expectations for their program.

On Thursday, SUSIs visited local public schools to meet with educators to discuss a variety of topics. Some of these topics include public education policy, teacher training and development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in education.

At night, it was time for the Roundtable Discussions on Education and the Future of Work. Thank you to everyone who came to meet the SUSIs and participate in discussions!

On Friday, SUSIs visited the UW Farm for a volunteer service project. UW Farm helps to provide produce for campus dining, the Food Pantry, and the community. It strives to build and strengthen connections between their growing spaces and academic courses while supporting educational opportunities.

Monday was a busy day for the SUSIs, with nearly the entire day spent at a site visit with the Washington State Labor Education and Research Center at South Seattle College.

It is many of the SUSI participants’ first time visiting Seattle, so of course we had to include some fun Seattle experiences in their programming!

SUSIs visited the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library and the Space Needle.

They also got the chance to volunteer with the White Center Food Bank, helping to bring food and other services to underserved populations in the Seattle area.

Country presentations are arguably one of the most fun components of the SUSI Program. Participants present the fun facts and history of their home countries while also including aspects such as popular candy, dances, or outfits from their culture.

And just like that, we’ve made it to the last day of the November 2022 SUSI Program. ‘This I Believe’ Speeches were followed by dinner and games at Lunchbox Laboratory!

We are so happy to have spent the last ten days with the SUSI participants and hope that you enjoyed reliving their adventures through these photos.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes promote a better understanding of the people, institutions, and culture of the United States among students, teachers, and scholars. Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) are short-term academic programs for groups of undergraduate leaders, educators, and scholars from around the world. Learn more about the Study of the U.S. Institutes here. SUSI is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, administered by Meridian International Center and FIUTS.

Nada Ramadan