A SUSI Journey: From Mozambique to Seattle

My name is Dorca Fernanda Chenene, and I am from Beira, Mozambique. I am deeply passionate about youth empowerment. This commitment didn’t change during my SUSI program—in fact, it grew stronger. The SUSI experience helped me realize that this is my life’s cause.

When I first applied for the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) program, I didn’t even know what the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was. I was volunteering with little knowledge about global goals like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but I had high hopes of teaching and learning about both Mozambican and American culture, developing soft skills, and better understanding how to engage with my community.

Mozambique’s population is predominantly young, and many of these young people have brilliant ideas. But too often, they hesitate to act. They doubt themselves, lack motivation, or simply don’t recognize their potential. That’s why we must focus on them now—everyone has something valuable to contribute to their community.

One of the most transformative aspects of the SUSI program for me was how it shattered stereotypes. Before, I had preconceived notions about other African countries, and even about America. Now, I see that despite being many different nations, we are all working towards a common goal: to get as many people as possible involved in implementing the SDGs. This shift in perspective was a huge turning point for me.

I’m now fully aware of the 2030 Agenda and feel an urgent responsibility to share that knowledge with my Mozambican brothers and sisters. There are so many young people in Mozambique who have no idea about the SDGs. But now that I understand, I want to help them see their potential to make a difference.

Since returning home, I’ve found new ways to empower others and push towards my goals. I’ve started giving English classes to my university colleagues and created an Instagram account to share information about U.S. exchange programs, especially the SUSI program. I’m determined to help more Mozambican youth apply for SUSI and become more engaged in their communities.

I’m also committed to learning and growing myself. I’ve started participating more actively in lectures, conferences, and workshops with other young people who share the same passion for change. For next year, I’m already planning some workshops and collaborations with fellow SUSI alumni to keep the momentum going. The SUSI program didn’t just change my perspective—it empowered me to start changing the perspectives of others.

The future, and the present, of Mozambique is in the hands of its youths, and I’m ready to help make that future brighter.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Global Student Leaders are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and implemented in partnership with Meridian International Center.

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#YouthEmpowerment #SUSIAlumni #BridgingCultures #SDGs #SUSI2025 #MozambiqueYouth

Era Schrepfer