Goodbye from Masa

Our fantastic intern, Masa, has gone back to Japan. He wrote a blog post to say goodbye! All of us at the FIUTS office were so sad last week to say goodbye to our intern, Masa, who is headed back to Japan. We'll miss him…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Adapting to a New Home

Guest Post by Alissa Mustre, FIUTS Facilitator

Moving to Seattle has been a life-changing experience. Before I was born, my parents had lived here for a couple of years and always talked about how beautiful it is. So, naturally, when I got accepted to UW I was beyond excited to start my new life in Washington

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Adapting to a New Home

Insights from Alissa, a first-year international student, on adapting to life in Seattle during her first quarter at UW. Moving to Seattle has been a life-changing experience. Before I was born, my parents had lived here for a couple of years and always talked about how beautiful it is…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Let's Give a Helping Hand

In Spring 2014, students from the town of Trebinje were part of the FIUTS Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina. After they returned home from Seattle, they used the skills they learned to plan and implement a service project in their community. Read this post by participant Andjela Cickovic to find out how it went! …

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Let's Give a Helping Hand

Youth Leadership alumni in Trebinje are making a difference in their community. In Spring 2014, students from the town of Trebinje were part of the FIUTS Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina. After they returned home from Seattle

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FIUTS Front Desk
Facilitator Corner: Kevin Sander

FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over theworld who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Kevin! …

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Facilitator Corner: Kevin Sander

Read about the experiences of one of our amazing volunteer student leaders! FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter…

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FIUTS Front Desk
BiH Youth Leadership Fall 2014: Back home

The last set of blog posts from students in the Fall 2014 program with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Fall 2014 Bosnia Youth Leadership Program participants headed home in November. Though their time in the U.S. is over, they will continue to use the skills and experiences they gained here to develop and implement great service projects in their home communities…

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FIUTS Front Desk
BiH Youth Leadership Fall 2014: Back home

The last set of blog posts from students in the Fall 2014 program with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Fall 2014 Bosnia Youth Leadership Program participants headed home in November. Though their time in the U.S. is over, they will continue to use the skills and experiences…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Portland Global Getaway

Students and facilitators enjoyed a weekend in Portland with FIUTS! Guest post by FIUTS Facilitators Kevin Sander, Sascha Krause, and Omar Altoaimi. Friday, November 28th, 2014: storm winds swept torrents of rain over Seattle…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Announcing the CulturalFest 2015 Performance Lineup

Buy your tickets today for the big show on February 28! Celebrate the start of 2015 by getting your tickets to this year's CulturalFest Performance Showcase! We're so excited to announce this year's incredible lineup of talented performers from all over the world! These amazing individuals and groups will share music, dance, and more at Meany Hall on Saturday, February 28 - and you can buy your tickets online now…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Thank you, Meredith

FIUTS says goodbye and good luck to our awesome Education Programs Assistant. Last Friday was Meredith Stilwell's last day at FIUTS, and we're going to miss her! Meredith has been with FIUTS since September 2013 as the Education Programs Assistant, and also worked full-time this past summer on International Student Orientation…

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Celebrating Thanksgiving with FIUTS Friends

Our annual blog post featuring photos from Thanksgiving dinners with students and hosts! Each November, FIUTS connects Seattle-area community members with University of Washington international students to offer students an opportunity to experience the tradition of Thanksgiving. This year, 116 students were matched with local hosts, and even more hosts invited their past homestay students to join them for dinner. We're so glad that so many members of our community were able to share this experience…

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FIUTS Front Desk
Giving Back

Students experience the joy of volunteering during the FIUTS Day of Service. Guest post by FIUTS facilitator Jiaqi (Kyki) Li…

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Facilitator Corner: Joey Liao

Read about the experiences of one of our amazing volunteer student leaders! FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Joey! …

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FIUTS Front Desk
BiH Youth Leadership Fall 2014: A whole new world

The third set of blog posts from participants in the Fall 2014 Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina! Students and teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina have wrapped up their time in Seattle and are off to the next part of their adventure! As they got ready to leave Seattle, five Youth Leadership Program participants wrote blog posts reflecting on the most significant aspects of their time here…

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FIUTS Front Desk