A look back at November’s International Education Month

International Education Week is an initiative by the U.S. Department of State and Department of Education to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange around the world. At the University of Washington, FIUTS reached out to departments around campus to compile a whole month-long calendar of international-themed on-campus events. These range from the UW Study Abroad Fair to musical performances and public lectures, as well as a couple FIUTS events that we highlight here.

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World Diabetes Day

As a part of the global community, FIUTS is excited to support the awareness campaign on diabetes. This year, the focus is on how diabetes affects families, and important warning signs for parents to watch out for. If you have little ones in your life, take a look to see how you can keep an eye out for their health!

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New Staff, Intern, & Program Assistant

We have some amazing people who have joined our family here at FIUTS. Whether they have known FIUTS for a few years, are brand new to America, or began their job in the middle of the busiest weeks of our year, we’re so lucky that they stuck with us! Learn more about the new individuals that make our ship run smoothly! Thank you for joining FIUTS Misaki, Chuan, and Michelle!

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Memories from Youth Ambassadors

In August, FIUTS hosted the third year of the Youth Ambassadors Program with the Caribbean. This program is coordinated in partnership with World Learning and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs…

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Guest User
Thank you, Pauline

It's the last day in the office for FIUTS Student Programs Coordinator Pauline Tolentino! Pauline joined FIUTS in summer 2016. Since then, she has coordinated hundreds of student events and activities; trained and mentored dozens of FIUTS Facilitators; kept the FIUTS front desk running smoothly; and advised student leaders in planning events such as Global Gala. We are sad to see her go but excited to see how she continues to help students grow in her new role at UW Bothell. We're sending her off with lots of messages from students and others in the FIUTS community to wish her well. Thank you, Pauline!

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StaffAmy Bergstrom Comment
A Glimpse of the FIUTS Office

Imagine this. You walk into the FIUTS office for work. Your coworkers warmly greet you and tell you something interesting that happened since the last time you saw them. Maybe the printer you were trying to fix magically started working when someone touched it (this actually happened).

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Alumni, StaffGuest UserComment
70 years of FIUTS

Since 1948, FIUTS has helped build a global community, tied to the Pacific Northwest, in which people are connected through friendship, mutual respect, and a commitment to international understanding. As we celebrate our 70 years, students and alumni reflect on what community, growth, dialogue, leadership, celebration, and connection have meant in their FIUTS experience.

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Our Top 10 SLCI Photos

This year's Seattle Language and Culture Institute (SLCI) brought together 24 students ages 13-17 from all over the world together for an incredible two weeks with FIUTS!

We had some amazing experiences with this fun, motivated, and energetic group. From classes in the mornings to exciting activities every afternoon and evening, every day offered countless opportunities to share cultures, learn languages, and make friends. Here are our top 10 favorite photos!

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Ambassadors of Friendship

Over the last four years, FIUTS has hosted Study of the U.S. Institutes for student leaders from around the world. This program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, has so far brought 100 university-level student leaders to Seattle for intensive programs focusing on media, journalism, and civic engagement.

During their time in Seattle, SUSI participants are matched 1-1 with a University of Washington student "Ambassador" who served as a peer mentor, cultural liaison, and friend. Many SUSI participants and Ambassadors have stayed in touch and made friends for life. This month, as we are celebrating our program alumni, here is a blog post about the incredible connections between SUSI alumni and their Ambassadors!

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