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Indeed Workplace Tour --- PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE

Indeed is the #1 job site worldwide, with over 250 million unique visitors per month. Indeed is available in more than 60 countries and 28 languages, covering 94% of global GDP.

Since 2004, Indeed has given job seekers free access to millions of jobs from thousands of company websites and job boards. As the leading pay-for-performance recruitment advertising network, Indeed drives millions of targeted applicants to jobs in every field and is the most cost-effective source of candidates for thousands of companies.

Come with FIUTS to explore career paths, practice institutional skills, and connect with professionals in Indeed. This event includes a workplace tour and a Q&A session. The focus of this event is the workplace culture of Indeed with an opportunity to ask questions, it is not a recruiting event.

This event is free! Advanced sign-up begin on Monday, April 8th at FIUTS office.