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Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP)

The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP) for high school and undergraduate students is a program sponsored and funded by the US Embassy, Baghdad and U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Youth Programs Division. Students are selected by the U.S. Embassy through a competitive application process. During the program, 15 students will develop leadership skills, learn about U.S. history and culture, and build a network of emerging leaders. FIUTS produces a 2-week portion of the 3-week program through a contract with World Learning, and the program is fully funded by the U. S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Students arrive in Seattle on July 28th and stay until August 10th.

Get Involved

All high school and university students in the Seattle area can get involved in the IYLEP program by applying to be an IYLEP Ambassador. Ambassadors are a critical piece of the program and act as peer mentors, cultural liaisons, friends and student leaders. SUSI Ambassadors learn new skills, build their resume, make international friends and have fun! University students will be matched with the adult mentors coming on this program. Apply to be an Ambassador here.

If you have questions about the Ambassador program, please contact FIUTS Program Specialist: Education Programs, Nada Ramadan, at

Community Members

Community Members are invited to host one or more IYLEP participants for one week. The Homestay is the entirety of the program from July 28th to August 10th. Homestay is an important opportunity for participants to learn about U.S. culture and connect with local people. On the final evening, all hosts are invited to join us for dinner to celebrate the program and enjoy cultural presentations from student participants. Please contact for information about hosting a IYLEP participant.  Getting involved as a community member is a great way to make a positive impact and build meaningful connections.