Preparing for CulturalFest: Posters, Elevator Pitches, and Grass Jelly


FIUTS student leaders and staff share why they're excited about CulturalFestOn Wednesday, FIUTS staff and student leaders on the CulturalFest committees came together for an evening planning meeting. Over cups of delicious homemade grass jelly (pictured), we had a great conversation about why we're excited about CulturalFest. Here's what students and staff had to say:

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"CulturalFest helps show that the University of Washington is an accepting community and that people can come together and share our diversity."

"Even if you already know about other countries, it's great to have the opportunity to see a lot of cultures come together at the same time.'"

"It's really good for people to know about different cultures and learn different perspectives."


"We get to see little kids learning about countries they didn't know about."

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"It's an opportunity for people to learn about culture beyond the news and history lessons by talking in person with someone from a place they're never been."

"CulturalFest shows how proud international students are of where they're from."

We hope to see you at CulturalFest on February 14 and 15! Visit to find out more about what all the excitement is about.


Members of the CulturalFest student committee get ready to cover the campus with posters!

FIUTS Front Desk