Facilitator Corner: Katherine Li

"I am a facilitator because it allows me to meet students from all over the world."

FIUTS Facilitators are student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from Katherine!

Name: Katherine Li
Country: USA
Major: Finance and Political Economy
Class: 2014
FIUTS Facilitator Since: Fall 2012


My name is Katherine. I’ve lived in Washington for 7 years and I love going to UW. Some (semi) interesting facts about me are: I love eating pho with tendon and tripe, my dog’s photo is on Wikipedia, and I sell bracelets on etsy.com.

What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?

I am a facilitator because it allows me to meet students from all over the world. It sounds cliché, but it’s true. I love that I can meet international students who come from such different cultures and places that are so geographically distant, but we all get along and become friends so easily.

I also love being a facilitator because it feels great to help new international students adjust to the US and UW. Helping them find buildings on campus, helping with their English (at English conversation group), and recommending places to eat on the Ave are just a few examples of how facilitators make UW seem less daunting to international students that have just arrived.

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Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator

Leading a group of international students on the MLK Day of Service was one of my favorite experiences as a facilitator. Our group of around 10 students went to the day center of the Elizabeth Gregory transitional home and spent the day painting the walls of the hallway. The staff was so grateful for our help and it felt really good to be making a difference by freshening up the area that is occupied daily by many homeless women. It was also incredible seeing people from all different countries working together and being so cooperative on such a grueling task (painting a hallway is harder than it seems!).

Tips/comments for peer facilitators

What you get out of facilitating is directly related to how much time you put in. Volunteer frequently for lots of events! That way, you start to become friends with the international students and your peer facilitators. It’s a great way to make lifelong friends. Volunteering to be on any of the CulturalFest committees is also really rewarding. You can see your efforts come to fruition at an amazing event, attended by hundreds of people!

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