FIUTS Annual Campaign 2020: Building Community
It’s no surprise that life at FIUTS has completely changed since March. Programs have been cancelled, our lively and snack-filled physical office is closed, and the future is filled with uncertainty.
One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is that we believe in the power of community and connections, no matter what. And our team has no shortage of experience when it comes to tackling big challenges with creativity, flexibility, and persistence. We’ve been working hard to support students, build community, and bring people together to learn from each other - even if it can’t be in person.
So during this year’s Annual Campaign, staff from each program area are sharing how FIUTS’ ongoing work is keeping us motivated and inspired. We hope you enjoy this glimpse behind the scenes, and invite you to support us in building a more connected, understanding, and peaceful world.
Meet the FIUTS Community Programs Team!
Samantha, annie, and josef
“Right after we started working from home, I got to work transitioning FIUTS’ annual Blue Marble Bash event to be completely online - a fascinating challenge and a big success thanks to our amazing community! Since then, I’ve been spending a lot of time onboarding new technical capability, maintaining our databases and systems, and fundraising to help ensure FIUTS can continue offering excellent programming. And while homestays aren’t possible right now, I’m still matching virtual Friendship Connections!”
-Samantha Novak, Manager of Community Programs
“While this year has presented many unexpected challenges, I am uplifted by the international stories of strength and resilience we've been sharing in the FIUTS Blog. Since March, we have launched new series on topics like Black Lives Matter, Exploring Seattle, and Student Photography. We also created a new FIUTS UW Alumni Facebook Group to reconnect with alumni around the world.
If you have a project, story, or uplifting words to share with the FIUTS community, please reach out to me at:”
-Annie Lewis, Operations and Communications Coordinator
“COVID-19 has been extremely disruptive to Community Programs, but we are finding ways to make the best of the situation. I have been working to clean and update our databases to prepare FIUTS for many more years of fostering understanding and bridge-building between international students and the local community. Accurate, clean, and up-to-date data is critical to running an organization with as many programs as FIUTS. It feels good to know that I am contributing to our current and future success!”
-Josef Cole, Program Assistant; UW student in the Evans School of Public Policy and the Jackson School of International Studies
Check out other posts in this series: