A Refugee’s Story

Read about how FIUTS is raising awareness about refugee populations in the Middle East and check out "My Life Project" online and on the FIUTS door!


As an organization committed to cross-cultural awareness and global understanding, FIUTS is helping to raise awareness about refugee populations in the Middle East. “My Life Project” creates postcards with messages written by refugees and artwork that represents the feeling of the message. The messages come from refugees both young and old who mostly come from Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan. These postcards are distributed around the world to raise awareness about problems facing refugees, migrants and internally displaced people.


Earlier this month, Ru'a Al-Abweh, a graduate student in the Department of Urban Design and Planning, shared her experiences working in the Al-Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan with a 5th-grade class at Dearborn Park Elementary School. The students learned about life in a typical refugee camp and the Syrian refugee crisis in particular. Each student then received a postcard and wrote a personal message to the refugee.


FIUTS now has a collection of these postcards hanging outside the office door at HUB 206. Please stop by to look at the cards, learn more about the project and – if you have the desire – take a card and write your own message to someone. Please help FIUTS spread awareness about refugees throughout the world.

FIUTS Front Desk