Join the FIUTS Student Board

Current members share their motivations for joining the Student Board, what they have gained from the experience, and why you should apply!


Current members share their motivations for joining the Student Board, what they have gained from the experience, how they became a family away from home, and why you should apply!

"We became a family, literally, a family" - Linh

Allan Cai, President

"What will I remember most about my Student Board year? All the student board members of course. It’s a pure bond that is not easily replicable in work place anytime soon in the future, a bond that’s built around our common belief--Community, Learning, Open-mindedness and Trust."

Joey Liao, Vice President

"Being on the FIUTS student board has continuously taught me the importance of reciprocity and giving back to one's community. I've learned how to bring intentions in all the work we do in order to transform the ideas into real actions that can make a difference. Being on the Student Board and working with people of such different backgrounds also make me strive to reflect on things and values that we all share and care about. It helps me understand myself and everyone around me better and ultimately encourage me to embrace and appreciate differences and challenges in life."

Linh Mai Tran, Treasurer

"Being surrounded by talented people, people come from different cultures has challenged me to think differently, to see a problem from different points of view and to constantly push myself harder. It's hard to describe my experience as a SB member in one paragraph because it is just so wonderful I never expect to be receiving so much, from leadership skills, network to support in all aspects of life. I would never have thought it is possible for 18 people from different backgrounds with different perspectives to come together and work so well with each other. I barely knew anyone on the SB and now we became a family, literally a family."

Jiaxin (Rachel) Yan, Secretary

"Working as a part of the FIUTS Student Board is not only a precious experience of learning, growing as a leader and a better communicator, but also connecting with many other excellent students from diverse backgrounds. We formed a huge family by appreciating each other's efforts into building such a strong team."

Aloe Yan, GPSS Representative

"The most important thing I learned on the SB is that it's the daily work that makes visions come true."

Saki Uwagawa, Community Programs Co-Chair

"I love that all these people, with such diverse background can come together and form a close knit family!"

Max Lo, Student Programs Co-Chair

"I will always remember the fun we have in our weekly meeting and our SB social events."

Fluer Li, CulturalFest Booths Co-Chair

"You will never be alone in SB! Whenever I had a problem, there are always multiple people that want to help. The support from each other makes me never too afraid to speak up with my problems."

Alissa Mustre, Global Gala Co-Chair

"What will I remember the most about being on the SB? The sense of community and family they gave me. I never thought I'd become so close with these people I see so frequently now. Being on the student board is basically planning amazing things with some of your best friends, it's so rewarding when we all work hard together to accomplish a goal, like CulturalFest, and seeing it all carry out smoothly. The people on the SB have become my second family. If we were friends before, now we're even better friends. And also food. Food is amazing to bond over, I think that's one of the things that has made us all great friends, we're all foodies!"

Rino Kanagawa, Global Gala Co-Chair

"I was surprised how welcoming everyone was. I was expecting more serious meetings where all we do is get things done. We do have serious moments, but there are also a lot of relaxed and fun moments as well. There aren't many opportunities in school where we can build relationships that last an entire year and the student board was an amazing opportunity to do that."

Join us! Applications are open until April 4th!

FIUTS Front Desk