Thank you, Tom

After nearly five and a half years at FIUTS, our Education Programs Coordinator Tom Lang is moving on to a new role at Washington Nonprofits. Tom has had an enormous impact on countless people during his time at FIUTS. He has motivated and inspired hundreds of students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Asia, Southern Africa, Azerbaijan, the Caribbean, China, and more to become stronger leaders and global citizens through FIUTS short-term Visiting Programs. He has also trained and supported University of Washington students as they shared their countries and cultural backgrounds with thousands of local elementary school students through K-12 Education Programs, building global understanding among the next generation.


We can't thank Tom enough for everything he has contributed to FIUTS, and he will be sincerely missed! To recognize what he means to our community, we've compiled a LOT of messages to wish him well. Thank you, Tom, and best of luck!

Thank you Tom for being part of one of the best experiences of my life, for contributing your time and energy to make it all work in wonderful way. You were a memorable part of the experience, and I wish you luck in all your further career and life paths! - Lejla-Nur, YLP Bosnia

I wouldn't want Tom to leave without being told that he's one cool cat. - Fatih, FIUTS Program Assistant

Tom, I first met you when you came to pick us up at the airport. Your first impression was that of a kind, funny and compassionate person and it remained so throughout the duration of the program. You were part of a wonderful crew of people who made SUSI one of the best travel and learning experiences of my life so far. I hope you all the success in the world! -Labisha, SUSI South Asia


Tom, thank you for your commitment and love for FIUTS and the international student community. Your passion for things bigger than yourself have always made me admire you. Thank you for being an intercultural educator and social justice activist. From giving me the opportunity to meet my feminist better halves, to giving me the opportunity to teach how to play lotería with kiddos, I am thankful for you being you and doing what you do. I hope wherever you go next you are as happy as those who you've worked with at FIUTS. - Alissa, FIUTS Student Board

Tom, it's been wonderful working and having fun with you over the years. I especially remember things like your visits to the King County Council, with a bunch of students in tow, as the center of an organized cacophony at times! Of course, I'm sorry you're leaving FIUTS, but I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. And, lest I forget, happy biking! - Bruce Ritzen, FIUTS Board of Trustees

You were amazing at what you did in FIUTS. You made sure we were safe, fed, never missed out any opportunity we could take part in. Tom, you made strong impacts on the FIUTS alumni all over the world.I am sure I am speaking for everyone when I say this. At times like these we need to spread more positivity, warmth, acceptance, and I know you'll do all that at your new job as well. We'll miss you! -Pragya, SUSI South Asia

Dear Tom, Thank you for everything you've done for us. You've been nothing but the best. -Rea, SUSI Southern Africa

Dear Tom! It is really hard to say goodbye to you so I will start with saying Thank you! Thank you for all the hard work you have done with FIUTS! Thank you for welcoming us international students with an open heart and open mind! Thank you for all the brilliant knowledge about the world that you have shared with us. Every time I talk with you, I feel like I have learned something new. You are really amazing! I hope you will keep on shining no matter where you are going to. We will really miss you! -Kyki, FIUTS Student Board


Here's to you not teaching me how to ride the bike (I learned it myself, thank you very much), hiking with us on the day it was pouring (that's not dangerous at all), happily declaring cricket to be superior to baseball (it really is), showing us around Bainbridge (those freakin' frogs), climbing those tall things in Magnuson (danger? what danger?) and staying up with us all night on our last day in Seattle (and then driving all the way to the airport with that missing passport). P.S. If a SUSI reunion ever happens, will you please still attend? -Simran, SUSI South Asia

Hi Tom! I heard you're leaving FIUTS for a new job and I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you enjoy your new job! You, along with everyone else in FIUTS, made our stay memorable and amazing, and I will forever be thankful for that! All the best from Abu Dhabi! -Selma, YLP Bosnia

Thanks for all the good times and lectures we had in Seattle with you! In the meantime, good luck with your new position in Washington Nonprofits! I hope you will have so much fun and joy working with them! - Said, YLP Bosnia

I really appreciate you as a kind and warm person. I remember we talked briefly one day and I was surprised by your knowledge about different cities in China. Maybe one day you really should visit there. We will miss you Tom, and wish you have a wonderful new journey! -Kuo, FIUTS Facilitator

Tom, you are an amazing human being and I was mesmerized by all our conversations. You know what you believe in and you stick to it. You value yourself, you value women's rights and you value all the little kids you put in our lives. You feel like home you smile and strong morals. You respect, listen, appreciate and make that disappointed face that makes me watch all my steps and try to never disappoint you again. You are for sure part of the better world we are all committed to build. -Leocadia, SUSI Southern Africa


Hi Tom! Thanks for all your hardwork and effort just to make our Seattle experiences a really great one! I will never forget you. -Kiana, YLP Oceans

Dear Tom, although the time has passed, I can still say that the time I spent in the USA was full of great memories, thanks to you guys from FIUTS. So, I wish you many happy and successful moments wherever you go next. Best wishes! -Sladja, YLP Bosnia

Thank you for everything TomTom. -Namik, YLP Bosnia

Dear Tom, You have taught me that people can be disciplined and still have fun. I have seen very few people pull that off. You are a cool guy who is stern when needed I respect you so very much for that. Thank you for making my SUSI journey beautiful. Can't imagine how it would have turned out without you and your funky shades. Always wishing you the best in everything you do. -Kritika, SUSI South Asia

When I think of you, I remember a person playing the guitar in our retreat house on Whidbey Island and trying to understand our Bosnian humor. Although we were not impressed by the ''knock-knock'' jokes, we surely enjoyed the times we shared with you. Thank you for making the three weeks in the United States one of the most memorable moments in my life. Me, as well as countless other students are so grateful for the work and effort you have put into educating youth and giving us life-time experiences. -Amina Maslo, YLP Bosnia

Thank you for your dedication and honesty, you will always be a part of my memory of the amazing learning experience in Seattle. I wish you all the best and I hope your next job fulfills all your expectations. Good luck and greetings from Sarajevo -Edina, YLP Bosnia

Tom, you did not only make my stay in USA special, but you helped shape so many of my opinions and behaviors which I am most proud of. I will probably be selfish to the greatest extent and seek your professional advice many more times in the future. I apologize in advance. I wish you best of luck. Next time when I am in Seattle, I hope to see you at a Wednesday lunch. Let me know if you need a pair of priglavke to be sent by mail. -Emina, YLP Bosnia

Hi Tom, I was so shocked that you will leave us. You are a great person and I am just getting used to seeing you being seated at your seat every time I drop in the office. You always look determined to me. I don’t know how to express my sorrowful feeling but the little comfort for me is I will also graduate this year. I hope you have a bright future and do more great things. Keep in touch man. -Shuhang, FIUTS Facilitator

Tom, you are the cat's pajamas and have made FIUTS greener than it ever thought it could be. Thank you for sharing your talent and passion amongst us mere mortals. You will always be a legend. - Danika, former FIUTS staff

Thank you for everything you did for us while we were on the exchange program e.g. taking us on a mini tour after we left the food bank, the fun car rides etc...I pray that you are blessed and continue to be successful in your future endeavors. -Naomi, YAP Caribbean


Hi Tom, I’m really sad that you are leaving FIUTS very soon. I’m really grateful you worked so hard connecting FIUTS to children in local community. Thank you so much for inviting hundreds of elementary school students to the CulturalFest Expo. They seemed to have so much fun, and I’m sure you had made great impact in their lives to become a global citizen in the future. We’ll miss having you in FIUTS office, but I can’t wait for your next adventure. - Diana, FIUTS Student Board

Tom: I am so happy to meet you in FIUTS and I am honored to be a member of Education Programs Committee. I really do not want to say goodbye! Anyway, Hope your new work will be fun and welcome to Beijing! I would like to show you the Capital of China. - Nancy Bai, FIUTS Facilitator

Dragi Tome 😉 I wish you all the best in your future job. Hopefully you will be given the opportunity to influence and help shaping the minds of young people as you have done so far. -Sabina Becic, YLP Bosnia

Tooooommm! I'm so sad to hear you leave!! You're one of the most passionate and inspiring people I know! Over the past 4+ years, it's been a pleasure to work with you as a Pen Pal, an intern, and most favorite of all, a SUSI Ambassador. Wherever you go, I know you will challenge and positively impact those around you. Good luck on your next chapter of life & stay in touch, please! -Aimme, FIUTS Facilitator

Tom is one of the most charismatic men I have ever met. He was one who made me feel comfortable during my USA visit. I am feeling sad that coming generation of exchange program will not get a chance to learn from him but still, I am happy that he will spread his love and learn in more wider approach. My best wishes to him for his meaningful life ahead. -Saroj, SUSI South Asia

Thank you, Tom, for your dedication to students over the years. I'm honored to be connected with you through FIUTS. All the best in your new job. I will miss volunteering with you. -Wendy Olson, FIUTS Board of Trustees

Thank you so much for all of your incredible work with FIUTS these past few years! I'm so grateful you selected me as an ambassador last summer - please know that my involvement with FIUTS and SUSI has truly been life-changing and very meaningful to me. I am sad to see you leave but I am happy for you and wish you the very best in your career and future goals! Thank you so much for all you have done to make this organization great! -Brooke, SUSI Ambassador


First met you in 2014 as a SUSI scholar. Partied with you on my visit to your place again! Tom, one of the funniest guys on Earth... I wish you all the success in your life journey! Let's catch up for another beer soon මචං !! ~Haritha, SUSI South Asia (The one who promised to dance at your wedding!)

I never got to be in your education program's classroom, but I am so glad I was in last summer's SUSI group. We were ambassadors and you are the boss of all the ambassadors. Sometimes ideology is ideal but work is doable because we have doers like you. Also inspired by your everywhere cyclist and marathoner spirit. Wish to work with you again in the future! -Wedward, FIUTS Facilitator

Thank you for all of your effort and energy dedicated to students and FIUTS. I will always miss you, and your Georgian mineral water (did I get it right?)... I just want to let you know that you are awesome, and I wish you all the best with whatever next in your journey. Don't forget to keep us updated on Facebook! :) -Tiffany, FIUTS Student Board

Tom, You are awesome! I wish you all the luck and success in your new adventure. It was so great working with you back in 2013 and driving all those teenagers around in those white Suburbans like we were some kind of entourage. Your chillaxed demeanor and easy humor really made even the most stressful times manageable. I raise my glass to you Mr. Lang! Cheers! -Virginia, YLP Bosnia Program Assistant

Tom, When I initially heard the news that you were leaving FIUTS I was a bit in shock because I couldn’t believe that you were actually moving on. You have been such an integral part to FIUTS in addition to my growth as a person. By doing Global Ambassador Day and the Cultural Presentations with you my confidence grew exponentially, so I thank you for that. Also, I can’t thank you enough for recommending the SUSI program; I made some great memories and friends from it, so thank you. I am saddened that I will no longer be able to do these with you, but I do know that you will be doing great things with Washington Nonprofits. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. I hope every now and again I will hear from you. We will all miss you and I wish you the best of luck. -Sophia, FIUTS Facilitator


Tom - you are my first association when I hear FIUTS. I can't believe that you are leaving FIUTS but I am sure you will continue to inspire people as you inspired us from the YLP with Bosnia and Herzegovina in Fall 2012. We are a great example how you leave a mark on the people you work with. I will always gladly remember my time in Seattle and even today I come in work and private situations where I remember the lessons FIUTS and you taught us. Now that you are leaving FIUTS this can't mean you are not visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina any more! We are expecting you, no excuses! :D Good luck on you new journey and best wishes from Sarajevo. - Hajro, YLP Bosnia

Dear Gazda, my old friend, Thank you. Thank you for all of the time and patience you've given us during our stay in the U.S. Thank you for being a good friend, for always having the right answers (or comebacks) to the neverending stream of questions coming from eager kids. Thank you for always being there, for the epic roadtrip you, Majkl and me had, and all of the funny (some even crazy) stories we share. And at last, thank you for being you. You're one of the best people I've ever met, and one of the few I look up to. Continue doing your thing, no matter where life after FIUTS leads you. I hope we'll still stay in touch, maybe even make a couple more stories to reminisce over. :) - Ivan, YLP Bosnia

Hey Tom, I just hope your love for hiking/climbing will never end which will force you to come to Nepal to climb Mt.Everest; And then we will finally have our TOM-Nepali SUSI Reunion Gosh, remember the Sliding we all did from Mt. Rainer? That was the craziest memory. You are amazing. Don't ever stop being Yourself and don't stop having that Big Smile in your face. Good wishes for the news paths. Love. -Kripa, SUSI South Asia

Hi Tom, I want to thank you for devoting your time and commitment to teaching us something. I am really, really glad we met and I hope that you will stay as awesome and hardworking as you are. Wish you all the best in the future! Oh, one more thing... What is the meaning of life Tom? - Benjamin I., YLP Bosnia

Dear Tom, hvala ti na svim lijepim uspomenama. You're such a positive person and I wish you all the best and I know that FIUTS won't be the same without you. Nadam se da ćemo se opet vidjeti! You rock. -Sara, YLP Bosnia


Dear Tom, You've been such a great inspiration to all of us and thank you so much for making our stay in Seattle so memorable! Wish you all the best, gazda. -Zorana, YLP Bosnia

It is not even arguable whether the program has affected me. As I have said my dearest souvenir from the States are the people. At the time when it was on me to recognize my role within society, when it was on me to find my voice, my strengths as well as flaws I have met Tom. Not just Tom, but Era, Ellen, Alison, Leah and Meredith. And I will never forget the walks from the UW HUB to bus station, small talks in between workshops that helped me rise. I will never forget the honesty and passion towards giving to the society. All I can wish is to be a half of a person you (Tom) are. Whatever have you chosen for your career I know it's a good call. Whatever have you planned for the future I know you will succeed. Whatever you will become don't be a drag just be a queen. -Mateo, YLP Bosnia

Tom, it's been a pleasure knowing you these past four-and-a-half years. You were among the first people I met when I joined FIUTS my freshman year of college. You've always been an approachable, loyal mentor and friend to me. You are a joy to be around. You will be missed, but not forgotten. -Bader, FIUTS Facilitator


I don't have big speech to make but you are one of the coolest persons I have ever met, Tom. I was absolutely awed by how much you enjoyed your job and how lightly you dealt with minor hurdles that came by; it really helped us to adjust in a city so far away from home. Now that you're leaving FIUTS, I'm sure you're embarking on something equally amazing. I wish you all the best for your new job and hope that it will be equally and more satisfying. -Prashanti, SUSI South Asia

It was such an amazing time with you and others from FIUTS! You are really an inspiring person, everyone can see how much you love what you do. I'm sure you will do great at your new job, but for us you will always be a member of the big FIUTS family. -Erna, YLP Bosnia

Tom, Congrats on opening the new chapter in your life! - Atsuko, FIUTS intern


Hey Tom! First of all many congratulations for a fresh beginning!! I am sure a dedicated person like you will be an instant favourite at any work place. Thanks so much for making our SUSI experience the most memorable days ever. Your positive vibe always had us going. Wish you all the very best! Urvashi SUSI-2015 -Urvashi, SUSI South Asia

Hej Tome, iako je od mog odlaska u Ameriku prošlo pet godina, određeni osjećaji se uvijek vežu za ekipu koja nas je u Seattleu dočekala. Neke stvar, koje ste vi učinili za nas, tek sada dobijaju određenu težinu jer shvatam koji je bio vaš cilj i kako je to bilo teško ispunjavati svaki dan. Kao jedan opušten lik, divio sam se uvijek kako svake procese tiho pratiš, pa onda nastupaš odjednom sa svojim komentarima. Uspjeh je prosto bio zagarantovan! Molim te ostani takav kakav jesi.... Želim ti reći hvala, što si makar kroz FIUTS, te i kroz sebe i svoje znanje pokazao veliko poštovanje prema narodima koji žive u Bosni i Hercegovini i što si nam sa svojim kolegama dao nadu i ukazao da možemo raditi velike stvari!! Sve najbolje ti želim i ako ikada budeš opet dolazio u Sarajevo javi se obavezno. - Alem, YLP Bosnia

Dear Tom, I am so glad to have met you through FIUTS and the SUSI program! I truly admire your work and dedication to young people! You have such a positive energy and make it so easy for people to be themselves around you! Working with you, although very short was wonderful! I am sad to hear that you're leaving FIUTS and hope that you'll stay in touch. -Qanani, SUSI Program Assistant & Ambassador


Hey Tom, it was great to have met you during the summer. You've been one great inspiration and a constant guide for me.  I still miss your songs, being on time for our program and the fun. Thank you so much for making SUSI 2016 such a wonderful memory and constantly striving for making us feel comfortable all through the program. A heartfelt Thanks to you. -Chandana, SUSI South Asia

Tom, You're the man. You've played a lot of different roles for me during my time at FIUTS, but most importantly thanks for being a great friend and hiking bud! -Nathan, FIUTS Facilitator

Tom, It's my honor to know you. I'm glad for FIUTS and for many other individuals that worked with you. Thanks for your hard work and dedication. Special thanks for having me as part of the SUSI 2016 program. I want to let you know that my involvement with SUSI was a memorable life-long experience, and that wouldn't have been possible without you. Above all, thanks for being a great example of a global citizen. Wish you the best. Please keep in touch. - Ornwipa/Fah, FIUTS Facilitator


Video from Imran, Peya, and Rafsan in Bangladesh (SUSI South Asia)

Thank you Tom for being who you are. We will definitely miss you at FIUTS. You have been very helpful and welcoming from the very first day I met you at the FIUTS office. I wish you good luck for your new endeavors and wish you the best of health and happiness. Look forward to see you around and have some awesome hikes coming summer with you!!! -Rupesh, FIUTS Facilitator

Hey Tom, I truly respect and admire your hard-working and persistence in helping with the kids in FIUTS. Every single presentation and letter sparkles some changes in kids' minds and it is truly amazing. You are also an amazing mentor. You are always inspiring and encouraging. No matter how difficult it is to recruit committee members, you always help me to focus on what we've improved and what we can do more as a committee. Anyway, you are the best! -Wenting, FIUTS Student Board

Tom, you've been one of the most friendly, welcoming and enthusiastic people I have had the pleasure of meeting through FIUTS. Thank you for your countless hours of work, your sense of humour and for truly caring about everyone you work with. FIUTS is going to miss you so much, but I'm so excited to see the great things you do for non-profits in this state at your new job and beyond! It's been real. -Anya, FIUTS Student Board


Dear Tom, I've always been in awe of everything that you do for FIUTS. I love your dedication, hard work, and the passion you demonstrate for educational programs. You've made such a large impact on students from all around the world!  -Marilyn, FIUTS Program Assistant

Tom! So sad you are leaving--we haven't known each other well! But a couple of contacts are enough for me to appreciate your presence in my life. I learn from you how to be inclusive, compassionate, and committed. You have all my best in your way forward. Thank you for everything! -Yiru, SUSI Ambassador

Hey Tom, Thank you for what you have done for FIUTS and for international students! Wish you best luck in your future adventure!! -Yanran, FIUTS Student Board

Aww man. I'm coming back to UW in September. Will miss you very much. You may not know it, but you have contributed a lot to my growth as an individual by just being you. Thank you for all that you have done. I wish you the best of luck in your future pursuits. -David Veth, FIUTS Facilitator

Dear Tom, The first time that I was involved directly with FIUTS was the Pen Pal Program and you were there looking so enthusiastic to welcome more people to give the children a shine of hope. I knew by then that you have such a big heart! I am blessed to be able to share the same platform with you in connecting the bridges between people of different backgrounds! Your presence means a lot to everyone, both FIUTS and UW community 😊. Good luck in your future endeavors and do keep in touch with all of us here! -Nadrah, SUSI Ambassador

Dear Tom, Your hard work and dedication are appreciated by everyone you come into contact with from facilitators to SB members to booth captains to the children in the classrooms. Thank you for working so hard to create cross-cultural understanding and to educate future generations of humans about new cultures and the importance of celebrating our differences. We will miss you dearly, but we know you will do great things! Best of luck! -Sarah Duncan, FIUTS Student Board

Thank you so much for the good times you gave us, with your simple, respectful and funny way of being, with your wonderful way of thinking and openness to new ideas and cultures. And thank you also for the friendships that you formed between us and our ambassadors, friendships that can last a lifetime. -Elca Augusto, SUSI Southern Africa


Dear Tom I can only thank the universe for allowing me to meet an amazing person like you! You are an inspiration, a good heart and a Kind soul, I never met someone who could balance humor, efficiency and a scary face so well! Your simplicity is captivating and your scary face makes us think about the meaning of life. Thank you for helping to make this experience memorable and amazing! -Honorina, SUSI Southern Africa

Tom, seriously thank you for all that you do and just being a simply awesome person! Congrats on the new job! Hope it's gonna be splendid! You da bomb! -Joey Liao, FIUTS Student Board (also dog picture)

Dear Tom, Thank you for everything! FIUTS won't be the same without you. Joining the pen-pal program was one of the many events/programs I participated through FIUTS, and I am so glad to have been able to participate in them. You are amazing, and thank you for everything you have taught me. FIUTS will miss you! -Jessica Pal, FIUTS Facilitator


Dear Tom, Thank you for your advice, humor, and everything you did for 2013 YLP Bosnia group. I wish you all the best at your new job, they are getting a truly amazing person, who will continue to inspire new leaders. P.S. Thank you for giving us the coolest nickname ever- AMIVAN. -Amina Hamzic, YLP Bosnia

Dear Tom, Actually you are the first staff that I contacted at FIUTS. Thank you for choosing me as the SUSI ambassador and gave me the chance to know the FIUTS family. And thank you for the Pen-pal program. I will miss your humor a lot!! Good luck to your new position at Washington Nonprofits. -Cecilia, FIUTS Facilitator

Hi Tom, I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for FIUTS, and the education programs specifically. For the last one and a half year, you have been a mentor and a friend to me. In fact, I always feel like if we were about the same age, you would probably be one of my best friends. It's a shame that we did not get to hang out more, and I will certainly miss all the random conversations we had. Anyways, I wish you all the best in the future. I will always have your back regardless where you will be working in. -Max, FIUTS Student Board

Dear Tom, Thank you so much for your dedication and contributions towards FIUTS! Although I only worked with you for a short period of time during CulturalFest Expo 2016, I still learned a lot from that experience. Stay awesome and all the best to your new job! Once again, thank you and you will surely be missed. - Suyi, FIUTS Student Board

Hello Tom: It is amazing to get to know you during my time in FIUTS, it has been a great time and nice memory. I miss the time working with you, that is the unique experience in my life. Wish you the best in the future my friend, Good Luck ! -Jacky, FIUTS Facilitator

Dear Tom, Without your help and never-ending support, I don’t know how I will emerge into the university life. During facilitating the Saudi Student club work and SUSI 2017 program, I learned so many things from you as a leader. *Hope you have a fruitful life* Shukran شكراً = Thank you. - Abdul, SUSI Ambassador

Dear Tom, As I was reading this definition: "empowering - having qualities that give a person or a group of people the means to take more control of their lives and become stronger and more independent" I remembered you and all the other great people from FIUTS, as you really are an empowering person. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us, giving advice any time it was needed and for showing us how important it is to do your best while doing any task. P.S. Thanks for the lovely interest in Bosnian culture and slang and having "jbg" on your mobile display. That was fun! -Dzemila, YLP Bosnia


Tom!! I had a great time working with you, for you, and... All that's it... before I left Seattle for LA! Thanks for all that you have done! -Todd, FIUTS Facilitator

Hi Tom! I am so grateful to get to know you and to work with you at FIUTS. Thanks for always being so supportive and having a such positive attitude. I miss you and wish you all the best with the new job. - Sunita, FIUTS Student Board

You will probably bring a lot of positive energy in new organization, like you bring in FIUTS. I will always remember your words when I apologized for my broken English and you said that I don't need to, because it means that I know some other languages. :-) It was nice knowing you Tom. -Amela, YLP Bosnia

Tom, It has been a pleasure working with you at FIUTS! You are such a fun person to be around and a dedicated person to work with! Good luck at the new job! -Fleur, FIUTS Student Board

Hi Tom! First I want to say thank you for working so hard with FIUTS and with us! Although I only worked with you last CulturalFest for a short time, you were really helpful! You are always so dedicated in education programs and I admire your diligence and hard work. You are also a funny and easygoing person to work with so it was really fun. We will miss you in the FIUTS office! -Lucy, FIUTS Student Board

Dear Tom, It was a great pleasure knowing you, and learning from you! You've inspired us all, and showed how great person and leader you are! Good luck and all the best at your new job!!! :-) -Drazena, YLP Bosnia

Hi Tom, Like many other SUSI participants and FIUTS regulars, I want to thank you for all the effort and passion you have put in helping us grow as enthusiastic cultural ambassadors through programs like PenPal or School presentations. It was an honor to be able to participate in both and not only be aware of the value of my Ecuadorian culture but also to become a true ambassador and open children's minds to what is out there in the world. We might not see its benefits now, but we sure will. Keep educating the world! You will be surely missed! -Caro, FIUTS Student Board

Tom, I can't thank you enough. You're AWESOME and one of the best persons I had the joy to meet. I wish you all the best! You deserve it! - Manuel, SUSI Southern Africa

You are an incredible person and I believe that just as you were a key person at FIUTS you will also be in your new job, continue the wonderful person that you are and do things in a way that only you know how to do. - Erickson, SUSI Southern Africa


Hello Sir! I'm so much grateful that I met you, I learned lots of things during our program. Thank you for the love, support, and for all the efforts. I know you'll make more great things in life and inspire more people. You are a great person and I will never forget you! I thank you with all my heart. God be with you till we meet again! -Erick, YLP Oceans

Thank you for your kindness, support and passion to educate!!!! I wish you all the best in your new job and other future endeavours as you continue to change the world. I didn't quite understand why you hardly ever smile but now I think I figured it out, it's the wonderful light that you internally cultivate and share with others that you reflect! It is in the way that you change lives just by being Tom that is expressed in many wonderful ways. You are the coolest Tom! -Tshegetso, SUSI Southern Africa

TOM, I cant believe you are leaving. You have been a great inspiration in my life. You taught me how to work in a group and expect more from myself. Thank you so much for making the effort to keep us striving for better. You are a star. Love you. -Shuvo, SUSI South Asia

Dear Tom, First off, thank you for everything. From picking us up from the airport to giving us insights into American history and how it is with the Native American community (something I'd always been interested in knowing), to finding me some envelopes at the last minute when I needed them before flying back home, thank you for your time, care, and commitment. My SUSI journey wouldn't have been half as awesome without you, and I'm glad we got to meet. Hope you'll be able to visit my end of the world one day, too. -Aisha, SUSI South Asia


Hello Primo Tom, first to say that I feel sad to know that the other Generation will not know the incredible Tom of the FIUTS, but also it was happy to know that you are in a new direction that constitutes a great step of your Life. I remember the circles, and the games we did to learn ... I wish you success, peace, love and harmony in your new way. Your Primo - John, SUSI Southern Africa

Tom, You are always fondly remembered when I think of my time at UW, and this photo (below) sums up how I feel about you leaving FIUTS :( But, I am happy to hear about your new job :) and here's wishing you all the very best for the new chapter. Xoxox -Thilini, FIUTS Facilitator


Tom, Congratulations. I enjoyed working with you, and am thankful to have had the opportunity to start a friendship with you during our overlapping time at FIUTS. -Michael, FIUTS Program Assistant

Hello Mr. Tom. It's from Abank Edo, the cutest 2016 Ocean YLP participant from Indonesia. I'm so thankful for all your guidance and motivations you gave to us. All your help and attention is remarkable. Thank you very much. I hope we can meet again one day. Maybe I'll be a better Abank Edo then... Keep inspiring and guiding people. That's what a person always need to do. Hope you enjoy your job. Wish you all the best Mr. Tom Lang. -Edo, YLP Oceans

Tom was the greatest guy to work with on student leadership programs @FIUTS. He really cared about "his" students and the families that participated in the program! -Charlene, FIUTS host

My Primo Tom, I'm very great-full for have been awarded an opportunity to get know you, you are a humble man very passionate about changing the world to be a better place. I have learnt a lot from your humor the way you love people and easily interact with everyone. Thank you very much for the love and support you gave us as the SUSI group. -Joba, SUSI Southern Africa

Tom, I believe people's spirit personify the spirit of a place. You, being the first person to meet and greet  from Seattle, gave the best first impression I could ever ask for. If I am asked to define you in a word, I will call you "coach." Tom, every single interactions, conversations, hikes and trips, frisbee games and volunteering experiences and many more made with you have been extremely rewarding. Every single time: I learnt something new, got my perspective polished and left the place as a slightly better person. One of the best memory with you which I will always cherish is your passion for social justice and how you use volunteerism as a tool to empower the needy. You inspired me, taught me and made me a better person through being who you truly are. And how ardently you served with passion.-Benislos, SUSI South Asia


We'll miss you, Tom! -Your FIUTS Family

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