Faces of FIUTS: Meet Hajrudin


Faces of FIUTS is a new campaign that collects personal stories from individuals who are part of our work. This week, meet Hajrudin!


Where are you from?
I am from the heart shaped country where many historical events happened, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I was born and I lived in Germany and I love to travel, but when I imagine my future I can only see myself in my beautiful Sarajevo.

What's your FIUTS story?
In fall 2012 I got the great opportunity to participate on a program FIUTS organized. It was life changing because it connected me with amazing peer role models and showed me that we can critically analyse our situation, identify problems and do something about them ourselves.

How will you change the world?
My goal is to become a mentor for young people. I had amazing experiences with FIUTS and local NGO's and now I want to give back. With and amazing team of friends and youth workers I founded an NGO called Association for Career Development (ARK) and we plan to mentor young people and help them to develop their true potential. We founded the organization this year and we are starting to implement our first projects.

Hajrudin Solak was a participant in the Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina in Fall 2012, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. He is currently studying criminology at the University of Sarajevo.

Faces of FIUTS is published every two weeks on the FIUTS blog, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. Read past posts collected here!

Interested in being featured as a Face of FIUTS? Contact Ellen Frierson at ellen@fiuts.org.

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