Faces of FIUTS: Meet Wenting


Faces of FIUTS is a new campaign that collects personal stories from individuals who are part of our work. This week, meet Wenting!

Where are you from?
The whole world is my home! I've studied and lived in Taiwan, mainland China, the U.S. and Spain, and I've traveled a lot.

What's your FIUTS story?
It has always been important to me to have a feeling of belonging. However, studying and living all over the place sometimes makes it confusing where I am truly from. I am considered a 'foreigner' even in Taiwan, where I was born and raised, but in FIUTS, everyone travels a lot and enjoys such experiences. We identify ourselves by all the pieces we've collected in every trip. This is a family of global citizens. This is where I belong.

How will you change the world?
My dream is to work in health-related NGOs and promote cultural diversity in daily life. I am currently working in CURE UW Chapter, an international charity and also a RSO on campus that helps kids with deformities in developing countries. With my experience gained in FIUTS, I am more aware of how culture influences health and the importance of respecting cultural differences.

Wenting Liu is a senior majoring in public health and minoring in global health. She became a FIUTS Facilitator in 2015 and serves on the Student Board.

Faces of FIUTS is published every two weeks on the FIUTS blog, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. Read past posts collected here!

Interested in being featured as a Face of FIUTS? Contact Ellen Frierson at ellen@fiuts.org.

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