Meet the Winter 2015 FIUTS Bloggers


This quarter, we're excited to introduce three current UW international students who will be joining FIUTS as blog writers! These students have volunteered to write several blog posts throughout the quarter in order to share some of their own unique insights and experiences.

Keep an eye on the FIUTS blog for their posts in the next few weeks! Here's a little bit about them:

January 29, 2015. Photo 2.png

Hi there! My name is Huan Liang. I am a graduating senior majoring in Communication and Economics. I come from China, and my hometown is Tsingtao, which is famous for its Tsingtao Beer (really proud of it)! I love reading, talking with people, and I really have passion on traveling, because it would be incredibly amazing to see what’s going on there and talk with people who have different cultural background, various perspectives and stories. FIUTS is a fantastic platform for students especially for international students to share their experiences and express their feelings. I really enjoy and get involved in all kinds of activities held by FIUTS, and this time I feel like I should definitely do something to give back to this amazing community that does help me a lot. Since I’ve been in Seattle for a while, and I noticed that the amount of international students is increasing recently, so I would like to share my ideas and stories, and I hope it would be a little bit helpful and constructive.

My Thai name is Onnalin guys, but I go by Jade. I am an one-year exchange student from Thailand in economics school, also minor in finance. I am so excited about writing this blog, I aim to share you guys the place to hangout that comfort you, place that make you feel settled. This is inspired by the time I first came here because I got so homesick. And what I turned to? FOOD! So, I will be writing about food places, mainly for breakfast because breakfast sets the mood for your entire day, financial speaking, I'd say 'invest in it!'

January 29, 2015. Photo 4.jpeg

My name is You Li from Shanghai, China and I am a junior in UW. As an international student, I spent two years in New York and am now studying and living in Seattle, which widens my views. I love writing and I hope in the blogs, I can share more experiences and tips from my perspective.

Interested in writing for the FIUTS blog during a future quarter? Contact Ellen for more information.

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