BiH Youth Leadership Spring 2014: The First Week


Bosnian students in Seattle share their experiences so far as part of the Spring 2014 Youth Leadership Program.

On April 16, a new group of students and teachers participating in the FIUTS Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina arrived in Seattle. They've done so much already in their short time here! The following blog posts are from students in the group describing some of the new and exciting experiences they've been having, as well as sharing their thoughts on the program and what it means to them.


Happiness - by Anđela Čičković


What’s the happiness? Probably when you ask different people, everyone would have their own explanation, something different to say. But, there would always be something that everyone would agree about. And that is that happiness is something that comes from inside, something that you can’t really see, but actually that you can feel with whole your body. Something that makes you feel stronger and even more motivated to do other things.

It’s been a week since we crossed Atlantic Ocean and took a step onto American ground. So far, the whole experience seems quite unbelievable. Nobody of us is completely aware of all this. Now, I would like to tell you some things we’ve already done: retreat at Whidbey Island, Civic Education day, Networking Workshop, volunteering at food banks, visiting EMP Museum and also visiting the top of the Space Needle. We had a lot of fun, but what is more important we learned a lot.

Something that really made me think was volunteering at food banks which I have never done before. Today, all of us found out a lot. Realizing that there are people who have been working there for 17 years and more, helping others for no money, says a lot about them. Some will maybe say ‘Are they crazy or what?’, but others won’t. They’ll just admire them or even more, envy them, because in their eyes they will recognize that one real happiness and contentedness that only can come from the whole heart.

A Day At School - by Josip Jelica

We started in the morning 8:00 am at Roosevelt High School. It is a really big and beautiful school. We don’t have such a big school in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I met some of the students from that school. We talked about differences between our educational systems, and they were really surprised with our educational system. We also were surprised with their educational system, so both sides were surprised.

We went on some of their classes and I saw it how their teachers were teaching them. Especially I was a really happy when they show me “Photography” classroom. I looked how they were editing the photos that they take somewhere, and I was in a “dark room”, they show me how they makes a photos there and it was a really interesting. I saw that room only on TV and it is an awesome feeling to be it there.

We were finishing the day in the classroom for English where we sang some songs all together and it was a really fantastic day. At the end, all of us were tired but we make it. This day looked for me a really interesting and fun. I enjoyed in this day.

Sky Is Not The Limit - by Erna Mecavica

Have you ever had that feeling that you need to go, to spring your wings and fly away to a place where nobody knows you and nobody needs you and you can just be yourself; you can feel what you want without fear that your feelings may be not right or good enough, you can dream what you want and there’s nobody who will tell you that your dream is not ok, or good, or realistic, and then you do a crazy thing and make your dreams come true?

And then comes the moment of your life and opens you a door, the door of this feeling and this dream, and you find yourself at a crossroad; on one side are all the fears of something new, something different even if it can change your whole life, and on the other side are the dreams and wishes for changes and all the feelings based on happiness. And you know that only one side is the right side and you let your heart to speak, and your heart picks at the end the right way, the way that we all should follow, the way of our dreams. And you just… just let it be, you let your dreams come true. And that special feeling that you wanted is there, in your heart, and in that moment you realize that, the choice you made, changed not only you, but your all life.

If you never wanted this feeling, I can tell you that you will never learn to fly away, you will always be stuck on the ground. You will never be at a crossroad and you will never choose the right side, like I did with the Youth Leadership Program. It’s not just a program about leadership and teamwork, it’s a program about the life, about you and all your dreams. It’s about finding yourself in the world, about learning who you are and who you want to be. And the best thing is: you are not alone. There are seventeen other students like you, all same but so different.

And there are these wonderful people from FIUTS who give you the chance to make your dream come true and who teach you and support you in everything. And in the end of every day you realize that you learnt a little more about the life, a little more about yourself.

Diversity and Learning - by Dario Jurišić

The day started with a bus trip in which I pondered about the diversity of Seattle, as we had more bus stops more different people where entering the bus. Arriving at the campus I had a feeling that something new and interesting will be held in the HUB building every day which I was very excited about.

The fact that I will learn from one of the best professionals in the country was almost unbelievable for me. The civic education workshop led by Luis Ortega showed me what you need to know BEFORE starting any kind of community projects (e.g. what does the process look like when you want to make a law), which also includes creating a strong bond with people.

For me the best part of the day was when we had to meet new people, listen about their culture, customs, and lives…just to be part of their lives for 5 minutes and sharing thoughts and interests (especially if you meet someone who likes the same sitcom!).

Changing - by Anamarija Barić

It all started when Lejla called me and said that I pass. My dream becomes truth and all I have ever wanted was real. I started to live an American dream.

First, what to say? Well I am Anamarija, a student on exchange here in America. For me and lot of Bosnians this is really big opportunity. When I came here I was really shocked, because everything that I have seen on a movie, now I can see in real life. The first few days we (18 of us, and 3 more professors) with Tom, Alison, Ellen, Meredith, Leah and Heverty stayed at Willow Pond, one of the most beautiful houses and we have a great time. Also we learned a lot of new things and the most important is that now we know which type of work style each of us have, so now we can work easily together.

After that great time, we went in host families. I stayed with Reena and Nate, who are really great and take good care of my roommate and me. After having a lot of fun, we started with some work. Honestly, I feel like I’m on a job. It is really interesting listening about planning, organizing and other things. Also we volunteer in some food banks which shows us that with little things you can change everything and everyone.

We really have a great sessions, and one of them, also my favourite: we acted like a government and for me it was interesting because in the way of acting something we can learn more than if we just listen about it. The most important thing to say is that this is great program. I meet a lot of people, I’m going on siteseeing, working, learning and the most important thing is that I get to change, I become other (better) person and realised that we are here to make some changes and this program give us opportunity to make some changes. And for the end some of my favourite sayings: "We are the part of the same world, what makes one better it makes for all of us better." Thanks to all the people from this program.

New Experiences - by Hana Alkić

This program gave me a lot of new experiences. Here, I will write only a few of them because, for all, a book isn't enough.

First big and new experience was a plane flight. A big part of the group never flew, and this was something that I was scared about, but in one way, I wished to look a world with a "bird's eye view." A few days after we came, there was  Easter. That was my first experience of Easter, going to the church, listening to the ceremony, but also and having fun with family. The most beautiful part was when we played a game called ''Easter Egg Hunt'' and had a great time while we watched movies.

As a part of program, we had planned baseball game and we enjoyed in a brilliant victory of Seattle Mariners, with our hosts and friends. We had a chance to visit some schools in Seattle, meet new people, go to the EMP museum and Space Needle.

We will be here fifteen more days, so I'm sure that we will have a lot of new experiences until the end of program, learn a lot of new things, improve our leadership skills and have a great time.

The Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State. Learn more here, and click here for details on how to host a participating student or teacher for a homestay during the next program this Fall.

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