Interning with FIUTS


Over the past six-weeks Momoko Iwata (originally from Japan) has volunteered as an intern here at FIUTS, providing assistance to the staff on numerous projects and events. Today she has written a few words about her experience overseeing FIUTS Fridays.

I have led six FIUTS Fridays so far, and enjoyed every single one! What is wonderful about FIUTS Friday is that it gives us the opportunity to meet new people and interact with them. Usually, we take some time to introduce ourselves and to do some ice breakers before we leave the Burke Museum Café, which is the meet up location. This allows us enjoy the event together more.

It is very hard to choose the favorite FIUTS Friday from this summer, but I especially liked our visit to the Bite of Seattle. I had a great time eating delicious food seeing the Space Needle with the participants. Seafair Summer Fourth at Gas Works Park was very special, too. It was my first FIUTS Friday, and other facilitators gave me many tips!

The challenge of leading FIUTS Friday is to take many participants to the venue using public transportation. However, this is the important feature of FIUTS Friday and makes it different than other events. I am sure that everyone gets to know each other more through this process. We can chat even while we are waiting for the bus!

I am grateful for this opportunity, and very excited for the upcoming FIUTS Fridays. It is very casual and no sign up is necessary. So please join us for the rest of the events! :)

If you are interested in an internship with FIUTS, please take a moment to look at our employment page for more information.

FIUTS Front Desk