Welcome Louise


Meet newest member of our staff, Louise Iuel! Louise is visiting for 3-months before beginning her MA. in Intercultural Studies & Communication next August in Denmark. Here is a brief introduction from Louise:

Louise Iuel joined FIUTS this month as our newest intern, and we're so glad to welcome her to Seattle, and our office! Here's Louise, introducing herself to the FIUTS community:

Name: Louise Iuel

Hometown: Copenhagen, Denmark

Year:  I’m not in school right now. I’m doing a short 3-month independent training program with FIUTS as a part of a couple of gap years that I have spent getting some professional experience.

What’s Next: I will start my MA. in intercultural studies & communication next August in Denmark.

I’m a trainee from Denmark, who has come to FIUTS to expand my knowledge on intercultural communication and educational programing, while living a yearlong dream of staying in the US for an extended period of time. I got my BA in English & Communication in 2012 and have spent the last couple of years working for DIS – “Danish Institute for Study Abroad”, a non-profit study abroad institution based in Copenhagen, who caters to students from American Colleges. This experience has only made me more passionate about cultural exchange and increased my wish to come visit some of the American friends that I have made over the years.

I am very fortunate to get to live and breathe more cultural exchange this fall, as I am experiencing making a cultural transition firsthand. With FIUTS I will primarily be working on planning and executing the International Student Orientation. I am very excited to get to meet many different people from different cultures at FIUTS events and hear about their cultural exchange experience and share mine.

When I won’t be working I will hang out with my host family and explore the many different things Seattle has to offer; cuisine, beverages, nightlife, local spots & neighborhoods, music, green areas & nature are some of my key interests. Every day is a new adventure, but from time to time I am also very content curling up in a small nook with a book and a cup of coffee. Luckily for me Seattle has excellent coffee and it is much cheaper than I am used to. I think that I will be quite happy here for the next couple of months.

FIUTS Front Desk