CulturalFest Preview: Explore Kuwait


Bader, the captain of the Kuwait booth at the upcoming CulturalFest International Expo, shares a little bit about the booth and Kuwait.

Visiting the CulturalFest International Expo on February 7 is a way to travel the world in just one day - and to do it for free! The Expo features booths led by University of Washington international students from all over the world who are eager to teach others about their home communities and cultures.

In the weeks leading up to the event, we'll be featuring interviews with some of the students to give a sneak peek into what visitors to the Expo can see and learn. Our first interview is with Bader AlFarhan, a sophomore anthropology major (and former FIUTS intern!) from Kuwait. Here's what Bader has to say:

What will CulturalFest visitors be able to see/do at your booth to learn about Kuwait?

I want visitors to learn about the history of Kuwait, particularly Kuwait’s history of interacting with other cultures. Kuwait has had a long history of exchanging goods with other cultures, from Mesopotamia to India. We will display historical items, including traditional tools that Kuwaitis have used over the past three centuries to get through their daily lives. There will be a replica of a traditional Kuwaiti sailing ship on display, miniature Kuwaiti monuments, cups and saucers, Kuwaiti fabric, and a set of old and new Kuwaiti flags, just to name a few.

The photos in this blog post were all taken by Bader at Souk Al-Mubarakiya, a market in downtown Kuwait City.

What do you most want people to know about Kuwait?

We want to clear up misconceptions by sharing facts. A lot of people assume that Kuwaitis live in tents, ride camels, and drill for oil in their backyards. We want people to know things that make Kuwait stand out from the rest of the world – for example, the Kuwaiti Dinar is the highest-valued currency in the world. The Kuwaiti island of Failaka was believed to be the Garden of Eden that was mentioned in the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic!

If someone was going to travel to Kuwait, where would you recommend they visit?

It depends on what kind of traveler you are. If you're hoping to visit a famous landmark, then a visit to The Kuwait Towers would be a great way to begin your journey. For all anthropology and archaeology enthusiasts, make sure to visit Failaka Island, an island that was discovered in the third millennium BC by the Bronze Age Dilmun civilization. If you're a shopaholic, you can never really go wrong in the Avenues - a large shopping mall in Kuwait that is home to more than 800 stores!

Who are the other members of your booth and where are they from?

The other members of my booth are all Kuwaiti students that are studying in Seattle. We all grew up in different neighborhoods in Kuwait and attended different high schools; thus, we will all offer visitors different perspectives on what is means to be a Kuwaiti.

In your experience as a student at UW, what’s the biggest difference between Seattle and your home community?

From where should I begin? For starters, stores close down way too early in Seattle! I would have never guessed that Seattle was a city that slept at night. A lot of stores in Kuwait stay open late - some until midnight. It has also been very difficult for me and fellow Kuwaiti students to find food products in Seattle that are similar to those that can be found home. One more thing worth noting is the fact that Seattle is a lot colder than Kuwait! It could get up to 120°in Kuwait on really hot days.

Anything else you want to share?

Kuwait is a beautiful country and if you ever plan on swinging by the Middle East, then a visit to Kuwait is highly recommended. Come check out our booth at the CulturalFest Expo and see for yourself!

Thanks to Bader and to all the students who are working hard to put on a great event in just a few weeks at CulturalFest! Learn more about the International Expo here.

CulturalFest is a two-day event which also features a Performance Showcase at Meany Hall and a Benefit Reception and Silent Auction where guests can bid on local and global items to support FIUTS. Hope to see you at CulturalFest!

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