Facilitator Corner: Clara Jiayao Lu
Read about the experiences of one of our amazing volunteer student leaders!
FIUTS Facilitators are volunteer student leaders from all over the world who welcome new international visitors, help to organize events, and lead activities for hundreds of students each quarter. Read on to find out more about the FIUTS facilitator experience from this month's featured facilitator!
Name: Clara Jiayao Lu
Country: China
Major: Pre-Health
Class: Junior
FIUTS Facilitator Since: Spring, 2012
I joint FIUTS as a freshman during international student orientation three years ago. I really enjoyed it and have met a lot new people from different countries and different age groups. With some of them, we became really best friends and we still keep in touch with each other. I also found the FIUTS orientations really helpful for me to learn about American culture and get familiar with our neighborhoods. Later then, I continued joining FIUTS for their activities as a member throughout the school year, especially those outdoor events, such as hiking and camping. I became a facilitator and actively helped out various orientation events during the summer of freshmen year. I am currently the Orientation Chair – one of the members of FIUTS Student Board this year. I recently joined our Lead Facilitator Team. What I hope to do is to bring more experiences to both our incoming and returning students, and have more students get the benefit of the FIUTS experience.
What does it mean to be a FIUTS facilitator?
Clara (front row second from left) with FIUTS staff and facilitators on the annual orientation boat cruise to welcome new international students to Seattle
The reason I really enjoy being a facilitator is the variety. I am able to meet and help people from different countries, majors and age groups, while we all share a similar situation as international students. I can facilitate different activities, from greeting table to camping and boat cruise. I started without having any previous leadership experience, but I really enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone and feeling the growth in myself. I really appreciate that FIUTS provides me those great opportunities, and FIUTS staff are always encouraging and helpful along this way. However, being a facilitator can be challenging at the same time. Because of the large number and variety of students participating in our events, sometime it is hard to handle all of their needs. Some students are shy and not very engaging, and thus we always need to be the one who initiate the conversation and encourage them to get involved. But that’s also one of the fun parts of being a facilitator!
Favorite FIUTS anecdote as a facilitator
Clara busy helping new students at Greeting Table
I was helping out at the greeting table during the first week of our fall orientation this year. We welcomed each new student and his/her family, gave out welcoming folders and explained who we are and what the coming FIUTS orientation activities were. It was actually a really demanding task, since we had a large amount of new students this fall, and we had to hit every point quickly but clearly at same time to each of them. We just kept talking and talking and barely had a break. But it turned out I really enjoyed it. I liked to talk to and know about the new students in person and also let them know about me. It was amazing to meet so many people in a short time (like speed-dating?)! It was also great being so needed and helpful. And most importantly, those excited and nervous faces of those freshmen reminded me my freshmen year and why I am here as a Husky. I felt very “refreshing” even though I am no longer a freshman!
Tips/comments for peer facilitators
1) Always have fun! That is the most valued part of FIUTS facilitator experience.
2) Try to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself a little bit. Try to initiate a conversation with a shy people? Or maybe lead a campus tour? It might be embarrassing or awkward at first, but you will be amazed by how much more confident you are and how many problem-solving skills you gain after all that!
3) Talk to FIUTS staff and Student Board members. Get to know them, ask them questions and share any thoughts or ideas you have about our events. You will be surprised to find out how approachable and helpful they are, and how they are wanting to hear from you!
Learn more about the FIUTS Facilitator program here!
More Facilitator Corner posts:
Le (Juliet) Huang, David Veth, Yili (Jacky) Chen, Jonathan Cheng, Fah Thamsuwan, Charlie Warner, Katherine Li, Nabil Sutjipto, Jeremy Sculley, Ani Antonyan, Jaisang Sun