BiH Youth Leadership Spring 2014: The End


"I do not understand the meaning of the word impossible and I don’t want anyone to explain it to me."

It's been over a week since the participants in the Spring 2014 Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina left the U.S. The last part of their program was filled with even more new experiences as they wrapped up their time in Seattle and traveled to Washington D.C. for four days before heading back to Bosnia. Here are the last blog posts from the participants who have written about their transitions from Seattle to D.C. and back home.


Floral Heart - by Dejana Kusic

Wednesday, April 16th, it was a time of the first view, breath, thought and step in a new continent, in America. I was excited, but at the same time afraid. I was wondering "What if it's not going to be as I expected." And it wasn't. It was even better. So, my new life journey has begun on Whidbey Island. I spent three days there with the most amazing people in the world. I got a great present called friendship that I'm going to be thankful of for the rest of my life.

Then I jumped into the FIUTS car and traveled to Seattle. Thirty minutes later I met two wonderful people, David and Lisa, my host parents. I saw lots of monuments, museums and towers. I was impressed. But those are not things that are going to stay forever in my heart. The only thing I will care about for the rest of my life is the garden of flowers in my soul. Each flower represents a different culture.

If you want to keep that garden beautiful you should cultivate every flower the same way. That's something that America and FIUTS have taught me. Every single day that I spend here is different, paint in the colors of rainbow, because I met 'colorful' people all the time. I came here to promote Bosnia, to learn how to become a leader, but actually I learned much more. I learned how to respect others, give without expectation that I'm going to get something back, be a better person. Happiness, friendship, respect and love are the words I see when I look around me.

But everything has an end so my journey does too. I'm sad because I have to leave and may never see these people again, but what would life be without unhappy things? I'm ready to go to Bosnia as a new person and I'm going to help to improve my country, because this YLP showed me that everything is possible if you believe in it.

Dreamer - by Dragana Nikić

Have you ever wondered whether we should continue to fight for something that seems impossible? Have you ever thought it's time to give up? Have you ever thought that it was just waste of time?

Probably you have. One thing that you shouldn’t let anyone to convince you is that something you can’t do or you won't succeed at. That is the only way you can achieve more than an ordinary person in today's time. Do you believe in your dreams? Do you believe that one day all of them will come true?

I believe in each of my dreams. And thanks to that my current location is Bainbridge Island, Seattle, Washington, USA. I do not understand the meaning of the word impossible and I don’t want anyone to explain it to me.

The 10th of March, at 19:08 I responded the call and incredibly dear voice on the other side of me said: "Dragana, you know we call only those who have passed." Definitely the most beautiful call in life. Call for the U.S.A.! 18 high school students from Trebinje, Mostar and Jajce gained the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program organized by US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Youth Leadership program.

It's amazing wealth to be American resident for a month. When I close my eyes I remind myself of the beginning of this adventure. Arriving on the other part of the world, meeting new people, new city, way of life, all that cause mixed feelings. Those who overcome were the positive feelings, anticipation, happiness, wish to learn about new and unknown things. Then I woke up on American soil. Understanding and recognition of this fact has helped me to adjust to the paradise where I’m hovering right now. So those sleepy mornings I’m watching Space Needle, the observation tower in Seattle, in the reflection on the window of the bus number 72. Towards evening the beautiful colors Great Wheel, one of the biggest ferris wheels in the United States, bleed into each other, making a fanciful dance in the bay. It embellishes the view to the all students, staff, visitors, workers who ride the Wenatchee ferry. As well as me.

In my suitcase I'll pack up bridges of new friendships, a thousand new skills, all the beautiful moments, jokes, smiles, games, meetings, new songs and melodies and I will return to my home with smile on my face and at my heart, with even bigger dreams, more knowledge and memories for a lifetime.

Wind of Change - by Vanja Ateljevic

Now, when our time in America with this program has passed I realize that our journey has only begun. There's so much things and experiences to point out, a lot of things we learned, polite people all around the country, sightseeings and not so good food. There are host families who are such a wonderful people. Without them this wouldn't be the same. They were a great support and thank you all for that. Besides all of that, there's one thing that you can clearly see when you look inside your soul. I can see 18 bright colors of people I met on this journey. All so different but perfectly connected together like a puzzle. Not all that shines is gold, and this is one of real treasures in my life. At the beginning we were a little bit distanced from each other. As days were passing we were becoming closer and closer, we become one big team where you always have someone to lean on.

Before coming to America we all had our own picture and expectations, than we changed our minds and transformed our hearts. After mornings in Seattle, Washington D.C. moment of our return was unavoidable. Saying goodbye to people after one month together was the hardest thing, a lot of smiles because we'll see our family and old friends again and even more tears because we won't be able to see each other so often. First morning after long time in your house is time were you realize that you get so close with this people, that we became like brothers, one family under the sun. Can't wait for a moment when we'll come again together, until that remember only the good times we spent together. Teen ambassadors filled with hope and pride are ready to make the wind blow as we like.

 New Experiences - by Jovan Vukosav

The moment I learned about the possibility to go to the U.S. it sounded quite unrealistic to me. It was a couple months ago when Youth Leadership Spring 2014 program was presented to us at our school. Well, in the first place getting a chance to go to a country that you have seen and heard so much about and that is so far away looked like another movie scene to me. Getting to see in person and getting familiar with everything you have seen on TV and being right there and feeling like you are in the movie sounds incredible to any person at my age. First it was about starting a new (three-week) life with American family, in a city just like those we saw on movies and getting us into scenes we are so much familiar with but not in person. We were in American high school, meeting American teenagers and seeing their educational system, what an experience! Then it was about getting a little bit older and seeing what the university life is like. It was also about unselfish people receiving you in their home like you have always been one of them although they have just met you. It’s about great hospitality and kindnesses, sharing good values and learning how to make things better.

But this program did not show the good sides of America only - we also saw a bad side while volunteering in the food bank. While many of us think about what phone or clothes to buy, there are also people who think about what and if they are going to eat anything during the day. Even though we all knew that there were people like that, we got a new perspective when we actually got to meet them in person and help them.

Now when this program is over I can only say that it has been an unforgettable experience that I learned a lot from and which gave me memories and friends which stay forever.

Farewell, America! - by Said Salihefendic

Alas, this is our last day in Washington D.C., getting ready to take off from the American soil! We are getting ready to leave from a dream, but not from any dream we have faced before! This dream was a short one, but powerful and emotional, that was giving us lessons that shall change our lives and ourselves, giving us strength, will, faith and knowledge that shall guide us to the stars and heavens we are trying to reach since our birth! All those lessons we shall carry them with us in our hearts and souls, ensuring that we shall shape our own destiny! And this dream is our destiny! So come with me and let me show you what we had experienced in that dream:

I tried to get some sleep one night, I did a lot of exercise and studying, I had to do many things and I was thinking too much that night about my life and myself, who am I and what is my purpose here... Sorta those kind of questions I asked myself most of the time that night, and then I fell asleep, but suddenly, I woke up with a bright light and saw myself going with my friends from my hometown inside Sarajevo! After a while, we met with other participants who were sharing the same dream! That was the moment when we immediately got connected and formed a team that everyone only could imagine! A moment that only took a short period of time in that dream, and after just a while, the team got together yet again and we traveled to another world, which everyone's familiar with: America!

We arrived in Seattle, everything seemed to be unreal, we couldn't believe where our dream is leading us! We had been on Whidbey Island, where we faced some challenges before some bigger challenges that were awaiting for us! 3 days of glorious nature, beauty and life-lasting lessons! After Whidbey, our dream continued with the part where we begin to live with our host family, which most of us had a beautiful experience!
What's more important, we had a great experience with the FIUTS staff that played a big role for giving us lessons! Most of incredible experiences about leadership and team work were in Seattle, but also a personality and networking improvement were here! Such places we have visited here were Bainbridge and Vashon Island, Space Needle, EMP museum, UW (most of there work was done here), Chief Sealth International and Roosevelt High School, The Wing Luke Museum, King County Council, ... Also, we have met a lot of people that shall stay in our memories...

After Seattle, our dream takes place now for a short time in the capital of U.S., Washington D.C. We have also visited many important things in this town, and also met a lot of people here! Surprisingly, we could notice the difference between those two cities in our journey, but we didn't mind that, we just kept enjoying our time while we still had it there! Many institutions (Congress Hall, Institution of Peace, Tour around D.C.) and museums were visited here, which we learned a lot from! A lot of things we have faced here, being together and planning our future in our hometowns! Our dream is coming to its end, when we had our last morning meeting where we had to write thank you cards to people we are most thankful to... And our luggage was prepared that morning, and we had our flight to get out of our dream we shared! This experience is granted to us, destiny desired that! And we shall use that experience to improve and guide ourselves to a greater good!

Alas, this is our last day in Washington D.C. ... It was an honor... Farewell, America!

All The Same - by Doria Jelić

I woke up in Seattle, saw blue and sunny sky. Just like the sky from the city I come from. I got out of bed and saw sweet and smiley faces. Just like the faces from my family I left home. I was expecting a much bigger difference, to the extent I was asking myself will I be able to accept them. Basically, I felt I belong there from the beginning. True, everything is different. Buildings are huge, blocks spacious, food is so strange, but, isn't all of that made by people?! However, people in America, black or white, adult or child, American or Chinese, is just a person, just like I am. He smiles at me, approaches me, offers me his help. My host family is almost just like my real family, only missing two members of the family. Host dad is very good cook, host mom talks to me, just like my real mom. Little brother and sister adore me! We are reading books for bed time, playing, having fun... Neighbors are very friendly and they often invite me to associate with. Well, people here are excellent! Very friendly, open minded, liberal, flexible... I feel like I know them for hundred of years! It's weird. I came to the end of the world and don't see that difference I imagined in my head. I guess, it's just important to be called a human being. Program at UW is comprehensive, educating, expand new point of view and knowledge. It shows me every day that I can do more and better. Truly, it's like every day I've surpassed myself. I've learned a lot! I've seen a lot! I learned how to think critically. Not to criticize, but to think critically. Now I understand better myself. And American people. He and I, as two brothers, on this little silly Earth Ball.

The end of the beginning - by Malika Imamović

On programs like this one - people learn a lot, see a lot, explore many new things, get a lot of new skills and the most important, connect with people! Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it a great experience?

We started as individuals, meeting each other and learning about ourselves, and then finished as a great and well prepared team that’s now able to think widely and do successful things!

We learned how to connect with people, to appreciate diversity, things about civic engagement, how to do projects and many other things that go with all of that. But also, we learned to trust, care and know each other and only then, when you realize that it’s important and start doing all of it, you can say that you’re part of a team that’s ready to do things it’s able to.

We also gained many important things as part of our cultural knowledge, as individuals. We saw and explored customs of American culture! We got an opportunity to live with host-families which I really enjoyed! I felt like I really was a part of their family and was treated like that! We tasted lots of new food and it was great challenge! We visited many important places, museums, monuments both in Seattle and Washington, D.C., so our trip was completely filled with all those great things we’ve done. No matter who you are and from where you are coming from, in America -  you’re American, because there is no specific American culture. Well, there is, but it’s mix of many various cultures and people, so you’re always welcome there! And no one will look at you like at stranger.

And now, real work starts! After this lesson we’ve had in America, we’re back to our country we came from, ready to do the things we already planned to do, and to connect people there! And now, I bet, everyone of us look at the world with different eyes than before. And it’s good! Everything was good! Amazing!

Thank you, FIUTS and U.S. Department of State, for giving us opportunity for this!

The Youth Leadership Program with Bosnia and Herzegovina is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State. Learn more here, and click here for details on how to host a participating student or teacher for a homestay during the next program this Fall.

FIUTS Front Desk