Congratulations, Nathan


Recognizing Nathan Huynh, FIUTS facilitator and Student Board member, for his successful completion of the Husky Leadership Certificate.

Nathan (center) with students on a FIUTS hike

Nathan (center) with students on a FIUTS hike

We're so proud! Nathan Huynh, dedicated FIUTS Facilitator and member of the FIUTS Student Board, recently took his student leadership to the next level by completing the University of Washington's Husky Leadership Certificate.

In the e-portfolio that Nathan created to demonstrate what he's experienced and achieved as a student leader, he dedicated a section to his roles with FIUTS. Below are a couple of excerpts, and you can check out the website using the links provided to read more. There's also an opportunity to see more examples of student leadership at the Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership on Tuesday, May 20 in the HUB.

On his experience as a FIUTS Facilitator:

Nathan (top row, second from right) and the rest of the 2013/14 FIUTS Student Board

Nathan (top row, second from right) and the rest of the 2013/14 FIUTS Student Board

What I love the most about FIUTS, is that I have the opportunity to meet people that I normally would not meet. At a university the size of UW, it's already challenging enough to get to know people within your area of study, let alone the rest of the student population. At FIUTS, you'll never know who you'll meet and that's what's exciting. Among FIUTS community members, there's only one commonality, which is the desire to meet individuals from all around the world, hear about their experiences, and learn about their cultures. It's truly amazing how this single commonality can be the base of such strong and lasting friendships, how it can bring such a diverse group of individuals together; people from different countries and cultures, from different walks of life, people who study different things. For me, this is what life is about. It's about always trying new things and not getting stuck in the same, repetitive day-to-day life by learning about how the other 7 billion people on Earth live their lives. Though we may all seem different, it's remarkable how similar people really are when you give them a chance.

Read the rest here!

On his experience as the Student Board CulturalFest Performance Co-Chair:

Nathan (second from right) with the 2014 CulturalFest Performance Committee

Nathan (second from right) with the 2014 CulturalFest Performance Committee

One of the things I love most about CulturalFest is that it is all-inclusive. There are a number of shows and events around campus that feature a specific region or country, but CulturalFest is one of the very few, if not the only one, that allows the audience to experience a variety of cultures in one sitting. Being able to sit down and enjoy the similarities between dances and songs from a variety of regions, as opposed to the differences, and watching members of performing groups support one another in the green room are some of the most rewarding things about CulturalFest. The message of equity and unity stems further than just the performances though. It can be seen in the spirit of the audience; students and community members of different backgrounds all coming together to learn about each other. Though we are progressing towards social justice, we still live in a time where not everyone has the same opportunities for whatever reason. If because of CulturalFest, one individual has an opportunity they did not have before, then we are one step closer to our goal.

Read the rest here!

Great work, Nathan, and we're so excited to be a part of your leadership journey!

FIUTS Front Desk