May 2022: E-Intercom

Email Date: May 13, 2022

Did you miss a chance to look at our May 2022 E-Intercom? The FIUTS E-Intercom is a monthly newsletter sent out to subscribers at the beginning of the month with upcoming events, important FIUTS updates, calls to action, and more! Want to stay updated on what’s happening at FIUTS? Subscribe here under our “Sign up for our E-Newsletter” and be one of the first to see upcoming news!

Dear FIUTS Friend,

Thank you to the many members of the FIUTS community who have reached out with memories, words of support, and great ideas for FIUTS as we look towards the future. The UW's decision to end our longtime agreement will lead to many changes in the coming months, but FIUTS is a resilient organization. Our work to promote citizen diplomacy and goodwill between people will continue to impact this community, and we're grateful for the support of so many who are a part of it. 

As we finalize our plan for next steps for our office, the FIUTS team is focused on the remaining programs of this academic year. We have several student programs planned in the last few weeks of class, including FIUTS Global Gala - a dance party hosted by the FIUTS Student Board to celebrate the end of another year. And if you're headed to the University District Street Fair next weekend, be sure to stop by and say hello at the FIUTS booth! 

We're also preparing for a really exciting summer of programming. The Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders on Education and the Future of Work will be our first visiting program of the summer, arriving on June 18. We will host 20 young leaders from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Tunisia for an intensive month of site visits, workshops, and leadership experiences. Be sure to check the calendar for opportunities to meet this group and others who will join us in Seattle this summer.

And, as we look forward to a return to in-person programming, we're also looking towards a return to Homestay and Hosting programs! If you're interested in hosting a student - whether for a week or just for a meal - be sure to sign up today!

Thanks for being a part of FIUTS!​

Era Schrepfer, Executive Director

Thanks for a Great Blue Marble Bash!

Thank you to the more than 150 supporters who joined us IN PERSON last month for FIUTS' annual fundraising event, Blue Marble Bash! It was so wonderful to see our community gathered for the first time after so long. 

At the bash, three inspiring students shared their FIUTS stories and the impact FIUTS has had on their journey in Seattle.

Did you miss the event? There's still time to show your support for FIUTS! And be sure to read the FIUTS Blog for the stories of bravery, leadership, and community shared by Margaret Tu, Tomoka Xie, and Julian Jordan.

Hosting Opportunities this Summer!

It's time to start hosting again! There are so many ways to be involved in welcoming students to our beautiful region. Host for an afternoon, a weekend, or a week-long homestay experience. Hosting is an incredible way to learn about a new place and share what you love about the place we call home. 

Are you curious about becoming a new host? Click here to complete our host application.

Have you Hosted in the past? Complete the Host availability survey to let us know about your interest in these programs. 

Do you have questions about hosting? email Hilary Zuniga-Camacho at

SUSI on Education and the Future of Work

Our beloved SUSI program is here again! Host students from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Tunisia this summer! Students are between 18-25 years old and speak English.

Host days: June 25th & July 27th (day hosting only, no overnight; hosts will pick up students in the morning or early afternoon and bring them back to the UW campus in the evening)

Interested? Fill out the availability survey or contact Hilary at  More information about this program is available here. 

Mandela Washington Fellowship: Alumni Enrichment Institute

Host a young leader from Africa in Seattle this July! Participants are from many different African countries, are are between 23-38 years old, and speak English. 

Host days: July 31 (day hosting only, no overnight; hosts will pick up students in the morning or early afternoon and bring them back to the UW campus in the evening)

Interested? Fill out the availability survey or contact Hilary at  More information about this program is available here.  

U.S.- Korea Summer English Scholars Program

Host a student or two from Korea for a two-night homestay from the evening of Friday, July 15 to Sunday, July 17.

Host Days: Friday, July 15 through Sunday, July 17 (two nights of overnight homestay)

Students are university-level and  will be in Seattle for a total of three weeks studying English and learning about immigration, refugees, and cultural diversity in the United States. 

Interested? Fill out the availability survey or contact Hilary at  More information about this program is available here. 

Welcome Week Homestay

FIUTS will return to matching incoming international students with hosts for welcome week homestays this Fall. 

What's different? FIUTS Hosting Programs will be opening up to students from ALL Seattle-area campuses! 

Welcome week homestays will continue to be for 7-10 days. 

Complete the availability survey to sign up for welcome week hosting this fall and help a new student adjust to their new home in your neighborhood!

SUSI Roundtable Discussions Event

Roundtable Discussions on Education & the Future of Work

Date: Wednesday, June 22, 5:30-7:30pm 

Location: University of Washington campus, HUB 250

Refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public. 

Meet participants in the Study of the U.S. Institute on Education and the Future of Work! Engage in conversations to learn about their successes, hopes, and challenges as they create initiatives to improve their home communities in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Tunisia.

Moving is so expensive! Every element of the move - from movers to new office chairs to new letterhead adds to our bottom line during this difficult year.

Your gift to FIUTS right now will help to make our big move easier and launch FIUTS into our new space poised for great things in the year ahead! 

Apply for the FIUTS Board of Trustees

The FIUTS Board of Trustees (BOT) are community leaders who are passionate about our mission and interested in making an impact through citizen diplomacy. Each summer, FIUTS recruits a cohort of 4-6 new trustees to join this group of passionate and dedicated community volunteers who provide strategic, programmatic, and financial support to FIUTS. 

Trustees serve a three-year term that can be renewed one time for a total of six years. Recruitment for new Trustees begins in late spring and new members are elected each fall. Interested in learning more about the FIUTS Board? Send an email to Era Schrepfer, FIUTS Executive Director.



Alumni Impact: Meet Anesu Shadaya for Earth Day!

Alumni Impact is a social media campaign that recognizes the excellent work being done by FIUTS alumni all around the world. Today on Earth Day, meet Anesu, a FIUTS SUSI alum from Zimbabwe, and learn about his work as a Finance and Operations Officer at Grow A Tree Foundation and his efforts against Climate Change in his community.

Read more about Anesu here!


Alumni Impact: Meet Witness Ditshweu

Alumni Impact is a social media campaign that recognizes the excellent work being done by FIUTS alumni all around the world. Today, meet Witness, a FIUTS SUSI alum from Botswana, and learn about his innovative work in providing networking and business opportunities to young entrepreneurs.

Read more about Witness here!

Want to be featured on our blog?

Are you a FIUTS alum, host or current student who wants to be featured on our blog? Please reach out to

FIUTS Spring Quarter Office Hours

The FIUTS office in Schmitz Hall will be open Monday - Friday 10 AM - 5 PM until June 10. Questions?  You can always send us an email! 

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