International Women's Day 2023

Happy International Women’s Day 2023! International Women's Day is celebrated annually on March 8th, and it is a time to recognize the achievements and challenges faced by women all around the world. This day serves as a reminder to celebrate women's progress, raise awareness about gender inequality, and advocate for gender parity.

One way to promote international understanding and celebrate International Women's Day is through the exchange of students. FIUTS is proud to host many exchange programs throughout the year that allow young women to broaden their horizons and make the first step towards changing their world. Women face unique challenges and barriers in different parts of the world, and by participating in an exchange program, they have the opportunity to learn about these challenges and how they are being addressed, and take what they’ve learned during their time in the US to implement change within their communities.

Another way that FIUTS celebrates International Women’s Day is through our diverse staff! Did you know that FIUTS staff is made up of more than 50% women? Being part of a mostly women staff for International Women's Day is a powerful experience. It's an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women, share stories of struggle and resilience, and work towards a more equitable and just world. As a team, women can support and empower each other, amplifying their voices and advocating for change. By standing together, they can create a powerful force for progress and inspire others to join in the fight for gender equality. Check out what FIUTS staff members had to say about International Women’s Day!

Nada Ramadan:

I am proud to be a woman in this day and age and to have the opportunity to empower myself and many women around me. I feel like it would be meaningful for upcoming generations to see how women progressed with rights throughout the years and what it meant to working on having a voice in society. I really enjoy being part of a team that is mostly woman dominated since I feel like it's now time to prove that women can run an institute and achieve a lot of good results when we cooperate for one goal. I wouldn't say that I don't want any male (or other) colleagues on my team since every person has their own contribution to the collective efforts placed. But society has definitely come a long way when it comes to how many women are running organizations. I am not planning on celebrating this day. As part of being a woman trying to prove herself in this community, unfortunately, I don't get many days off. I have to keep going and keep working till my and others have a strong voice in this world. I feel like my need to empower myself and women around me also comes from the patriarchal society that I grew up in. Back home, women are not taken as seriously as they should be and me and my community had to fight hard to be recognized in the work force. I don't want that to be the case for future generations to come.

Era Schrepfer:

Even during the years leading up to the founding of FIUTS, women played a key role in advocating for international exchange. Local leaders Alvarita Little and Lulu Fairbanks were on our founding board, working with a network of women to host international students in their homes and promoting exchange experiences. To me, International Women's Day is a chance to look back at the many powerful women who have played a role in our history as an organization and a region. To celebrate them and the journey from those founding years to today, when more than half of all international students are female, and FIUTS alumni of both genders work to promote equality in communities around the world.

Claire Cuccio:

International Women’s Day represents a commemorative time to reflect on what women have gained (and lost) in the last year and how to continue problem solving; it is a chance to reiterate the mission of equal rights and equal pay for women. This day is revered in many other parts of the world where women’s rights lag behind and their contributions to society are not recognized. Its value lies its universal awareness of all women in their different positions around the world.

Sharon Pai:

To me, it is a day that we all be aware about what we have right now as a female, and how hard it is to be where we are at right now. I really enjoy working for the FIUTS team and I like the atmosphere. I don't normally have a plan to do anything since its finals week.

Olena Vlasova:

International Women’s Day used to be a big celebration in Ukraine, even in elementary school all boys from our class used to give girls presents and flowers and we would congratulate our mothers, it had more of a Mother’s Day vibe for us. It doesn’t make a difference for me whether I work with men or women, most important for me is feeling of a team who is supportive and reliable. This year I am not celebrating, too much work. :)

Yas Ahmed:

I love using International Women’s Day as a reminder to celebrate all of the incredible women in my life. I am so lucky to be surrounded by strong, motivating, and empowering women and I think that it’s easy to take that for granted, so I am going to take today to thank the amazing role models that I have in my life. I am very proud to be a part of a mostly women staff. It makes me feel valued and like the organization I work for really values gender equality and diversifying the workforce. Thank you to the women I work with for being role models to me! Happy International Women’s Day!

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