Navigating Challenges with Resilience & Hope: FIUTS PAYLP 2024

Last month, FIUTS was excited to welcome 31 youth and adult mentors from nine African countries for the Pan Africa Youth Leadership Program (PAYLP). The group embarked on what was anticipated to be a transformative program of leadership development and community engagement. However, shortly after their arrival, we faced an unforeseen challenge: exposure to measles during the first days of the program. This discovery led to immediate testing, which revealed that a significant number of participants had low immunity against the virus. In collaboration with King County Public Health, we swiftly enacted measures to protect both our participants and the broader community.

As a precaution, a large group of participants was sent home early from the program while others were placed in a 14-day quarantine. This period of isolation was challenging, yet it also provided an opportunity for innovation and resilience. Determined to keep spirits high and maintain the program's learning objectives, we shifted to online workshops and assignments and spent the two weeks supporting the group through the incredibly frustrating and difficult experience. Despite the physical separation, our participants continued to engage, learn, and grow together.

One of the most inspiring assignments during the quarantine was the preparation of speeches in the style of the 1950s radio show, "This I Believe." These speeches reflected the core values and personal philosophies of our participants. Here are some excerpts:

Mwitila Lutango, Zambia: "I believe that hard work and determination can change the narrative of any situation. Hard work is a core value that I have had for most of my life and it has really contributed a lot to what I have been able to achieve so far. I grew up in a region where nothing much was expected from me, but I personally knew and believed that I could excel beyond any widely accepted standard if I simply had the right attitude and aligned my actions with my goals."

Stanislous Muguto, Zimbabwe: "I believe that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us. I believe in the beauty of diversity and the strength of unity. Most of all, I believe in the boundless potential within each of us to grow, learn, and make a positive difference in the world. as a leader, the most important job you have is to fill people with hope. I believe in love."

Tinotenda Tooboy, Zimbabwe: "I believe that we are all capable of change, it’s never too late to learn and grow. Always ask yourself a question: who are you? You need to be the reason why someone believes in you. Real success is when someone starts copying you. Who are you? It’s never too late."

Rita Umutoni, Rwanda: "I believe that kindness transcends niceness. It's not a fake mask of emotions, applied for personal gain. Kindness is caring, being concerned, helpful and supportive towards others and not expecting anything in return."

Oratila Mashigo, South Africa: "To all my friends out there, listen up: no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it. Every tough moment is a chance to show how strong you are. Keep going, keep dreaming, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. I want you to picture a world where every young black girl knows she’s amazing, no matter what. We lift each other up, celebrate our successes, and show the world what Black Girl Magic is all about. Together, we can change the story and show everyone what we’re made of."

Tabo Chalenga, Zambia: "Voices have the ability to touch hearts, provoke thought, and ignite imaginations. The power of the voice is a fundamental aspect of our humanity. So let us embrace our voices, speak up for what we believe in, and use our voice and words to make a positive impact in the world. It is the voice within you that should speak the loudest. This I believe."

These speeches not only highlight the wisdom of this special group of participants but also serve as a reminder of their resilience in the face of adversity.

FIUTS is grateful for the support of our partners at Meridian International Center, The U.S. Department of State, Public Health Seattle - King County, and the families of our participants for their support throughout this time.

In a piece of good news, we are thrilled to share that this group has been approved to return next spring. We eagerly look forward to hosting them once again and providing a full, positive experience in our region.

FIUTS implements the community portion of The Pan Africa Youth Leadership program in partnership with Meridian International Center, with funding from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Era Schrepfer