FIUTS Selected as Local Host for UUTI Kiribati Program

Later this month, FIUTS will host a month-long camp experience for youth from Kiribati, the Uaiakinan ao Uarokoan Toronibwaia I-Kiribati Activity (the “UUTI Activity”). The UUTI Activity is one component of the Kiribati Threshold Program, funded by Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in partnership with the Kiribati Ministry of Education. UUTI is implemented by American Councils. FIUTS is proud to host this year’s UUTI Activity here in the Seattle area.

The FIUTS UUTI will support 50 Kiribati youth as they enhance their English language and professional technical skills. The challenging month-long camp will engage participants in a wide variety of activities, including classes and workshops, local cultural experiences, and connections with our community. The group will be matched with local youth Ambassadors to support cultural exploration and will experience local culture during a weekend homestay. Have a question about the UUTI Kiribati program? Send us an email!

The MCC-Kiribati Threshold Program is a partnership between the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Kiribati. The funds are provided by the American people and seek to enhance economic opportunities for the people of Kiribati. American Councils for International Education serves as the Implementing Partner for the UUTI Activity in cooperation with the Kiribati Ministry of Education. 


Era Schrepfer