Add your name to FIUTS' donor recognition wall!
In the new FIUTS office, students have well-lit and comfortable spaces for meetings, activities and simply to hang out. FIUTS photographs, cultural artworks and gifts from around the world hang on our walls as reminders of what FIUTS has meant to generations of students.
In the coming months, we will unveil an expression of our immense gratitude for contributors who have made a significant gift with a long-overdue donor acknowledgment wall honoring our supporters and our community.
A design similar to the FIUTS donor wall installation, Thank you to Gray Skunk for sharing this image.
We are partnering with design studio Gray Skunk, who will create a series of center vertical pieces like a PNW pine trunk. Each trunk will be filled out with slats resembling the outgrowth of branches. The finished work will hang as a powerful statement and inspirational reminder of our community coming together.
Each slat will feature a name inscribed to recognize someone who has been a part of our story - a supporter, a former or current beloved FIUTS student, a special or unique homestay parent or family, or even a steadfast staff team member or trustee. The design is also portable so it can travel with us to different walls or other venues to showcase our circle of supporters.
Each unique piece will honor 100 names. Will you add your name or the name of someone important to your FIUTS experience?
Make your gift today at one of the levels below:
$150 minimum donation
A permanent, personalized tile inscribed with your or another’s family or full name (up to 20 characters).
Any donation of this amount or more between July 1 and December 31, 2023 will be included on the wall.
$1000 donation
A permanent, personalized large tile hung separately and inscribed with your or another’s family or full name with additional brief text (total characters TBD).
You do not need to submit wording for your tile at the time of donation. Our staff will reach out to you to get your proper wording.
Other questions about our donor wall installation? Please contact Claire for additional information.