A Sense of Belonging

At the 2019 FIUTS Blue Marble Bash fundraiser on April 20, three inspiring students spoke about their experiences connecting with others through FIUTS programs. The following is the text of a speech by Madeline Kusnadi, a senior at the University of Washington from Indonesia studying Creative Writing. She is currently serving as the secretary and Marketing co-chair for the FIUTS Student Board, while also participating in various FIUTS events, including CulturalFest and the Pen Pal program.

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The Real Cross-Cultural Connection

At the 2019 FIUTS Blue Marble Bash fundraiser on April 20, three inspiring students spoke about their experiences connecting with others through FIUTS programs. The following is the text of the speech by Nadine Gibson, an 8th grader who has been a FIUTS Ambassador twice, serving as a local connection for students from the Caribbean this past summer and from Bolivia and Peru in the fall. She also participated in FIUTS’ summer youth program, the Seattle Language and Culture Institute (SLCI).

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FIUTS Oregon Coast Global Getaway

After saying goodbye to the unusually snowy Winter quarter, 14 students headed on a trip to Oregon with FIUTS, to relax, to explore, and more importantly, to make friends with people from all over the world.

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Studying in Seattle and Germany

I am a student from Germany participating in a double degree program in real estate, studying one year in Germany and one year at the University of Washington. People in Germany and here in Seattle often ask me: what are the differences?

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Africa is Not a Country

During one of their student-led morning meetings, SUSI students took initiative in their unofficial ambassador role by focusing on the misconception that they have encountered among some people in the United States that Africa is a country.

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FIUTS Front Desk