Meet Angela Maduro: Promoting Gender Equality in Zimbabwe

Angela Maduro and a Program Participant

My name is Angela Maduro, and I’m from Zimbabwe. In 2022, I had the opportunity to join the FIUTS Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) program, an experience that has profoundly shaped my approach to societal advancement through civic engagement. My passion has always been rooted in promoting gender equality within my community, and SUSI played a pivotal role in helping me transform this passion into impactful action.

Before SUSI, I had the seeds of an idea—a project I called Men Engage, which aims to challenge toxic masculine norms and advocate for mental health awareness among men and boys. In many communities, men are often discouraged from expressing their emotional vulnerabilities, leading to a range of mental health issues. Through Men Engage, I strive to create safe spaces for men and boys to talk about their emotions and break free from the harmful stereotypes that confine them.

Angela at the opening of an art exhibit with Men Engage participants.

The SUSI program was a turning point for me. It didn’t just validate my ideas; it gave me the tools and confidence to bring them to life. One of the most significant lessons I learned was the importance of accommodating different leadership styles. In the SUSI program, I interacted with leaders from diverse backgrounds, each with their own approach to leadership.

Since completing the SUSI program, my life has changed in ways I never imagined. I successfully secured funding from major organizations, including the European Union, to support the Men Engage project.

I’ve also had the opportunity to make global connections with other leaders and organizations, broadening my network and opening doors to new opportunities. With the support and encouragement I received, I was able to officially register my organization, which now stands as a beacon of advocacy for gender equality in Zimbabwe.

Perhaps the most transformative change has been within myself. The SUSI program nurtured my confidence and solidified my identity as a leader. I’ve become more resilient and determined, with a broadened perspective on how to make my community better. I no longer just envision a better world—I actively work towards creating it, bringing other leaders along who share my commitment to gender equality and societal advancement.

The journey hasn’t always been easy, but every challenge has made me a stronger, more effective leader. Today, I can proudly say that I am a leader who is making a difference, both in my community and beyond. And it all started with the SUSI program—a program that not only opened doors but also opened my mind to the limitless possibilities of what we can achieve when we work together for the common good.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Global Student Leaders are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and implemented in partnership with Meridian International Center.

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Bridging Cultures,
Broadening Perspectives

Era Schrepfer