Dwiki Halla Finds a New Cause - and a New Leadership Approach in the FIUTS SUSI Program

Dwiki in Seattle during the SUSI program, 2022.

Dwiki Halla’s hometown of Manado, Indonesia is a city celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Growing up, Dwiki found a calling in youth empowerment, and sought out opportunities to help other young people realize their potential.

Dwiki with participants in his Climate Camp program.

As a participant in the summer 2022 FIUTS Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders in Education & the Future of Work, Dwiki began to understand the critical importance of sustainability. By engaging with individuals passionate about environmental causes, Dwiki came to

see connections between youth empowerment and sustainability. This insight has led Dwiki to merge environmental projects with youth initiatives in his community development work, creating a powerful synergy between the two causes.

One pivotal lesson that Dwiki took from his FIUTS SUSI experience was the concept of “step up/step back.”. Dwiki explains, “I learned to be more mindful of group dynamics—knowing when to take the lead and when to create space for others to shine. This balance has fostered a more inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard.”

SUSI also challenged Dwiki’s understanding of cultural differences. Dwiki formed deep, meaningful connections with SUSI participants and FIUTS ambassadors from various countries. These other young leaders, once viewed through a lens of cultural generalizations, have become close friends. Dwiki maintains his connection to the people he met during the SUSI through regular video calls, bridging the distances between their countries.

Since his SUSI program, Dwiki’s new perspective has led to new opportunities to deepen his impact in both youth empowerment and sustainability.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Global Student Leaders are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and implemented in partnership with Meridian International Center.

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Era Schrepfer